Nagito x reader our love is god

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He fits this character so much that it actually was not surprising to see that he died looking like he was tortured.

Neither did the fact that he killed himself to reveal the traitor by depending on his luck that somehow worked

You could feel wet tears going down your face while looking at Nagito all beat up.

He lifted himself up to you (your hugging your knees on the floor) and whipped your tears

They made you cry, but that will end tonight

He smiled at you and helped you up to your feet

You are the only things that's right about this broken world

He used his free hand to link one of yours

Go on and cry, but when the morning comes

He put his forehead on yours but soon pulled away

We'll burn it down and then

You see why he's the perfect character for this song

You see why he's the perfect character for this song

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We'll build the world again

He rubbed his thumb on your cheek

Our love is god

He had a kind smile on his face when he said that

If he has one

You saw he was crying as he looked to the side

You put your hand on his cheek getting his attention

Are you okay?

He smiled and melted into your hand while putting his over yours

I was alone I was a frozen like

He opened his eyes and met yours

But then you melted me away, see now I'm crying too

He tears started to become more heavy

You're not alone

You whipped his tears away

You're not alone

He smiled at you kindly

And when the morning comes

You smiled back at him

When the morning comes

You both linked hands

We'll burn down those tears

He led you to his little cottage

And raise our city here

He opened the door and dragged you in

Raise our city here

Our love is god

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