No this isn't for me to vent this time
This is a page where you can vent. As long as your comfortable doing so
I know it's hard to keep everything bottled up so writing it can really help take that from me
If your embarrassed to vent here then you can just simply message me if thats what you need, I know I can't reply to messages but just know I'm giving you my all and I think your very brave for making it this far.
I know I'm a complete stranger on the internet but I hope this chapter can help people even if I don't know anything about you.

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots
FanfictionWelcome to the one shot book of danganronpa where you will see me doing "Shut up dad I do what I want" ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?" "DADDY NO" (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') I need some mental help You can tell I have known danganronpa for ages because of my mental...