Chapter 1

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        "So, have you guys seen the new kids?" Jessica asked.
        "No, not yet. Why?" I question her as we walked into Spanish.
        "They, are so gorgeous. I seen them while I was waiting for you two to show up." Jess gushed.
        I rolled my eyes discretely while sitting down at the three person table. I was between Jess and Angie. I grab out my notebook while Jess started gossiping.
        "I heard that the oldest two, a blonde girl and a buff guy are together. Like together together." Jess says.
        "Aren't they all adopted though?" Angela asked.
        "Well yes except the blonde girl and the honey blonde guy they're biologically twins but the honey blonde is in our year. He got held back I think. But the youngest three are in our grade and single."
        "¡Buenos dias clase!" Miss Rodriguez chirps.
        Angela and I walk to our fourth period class, Art. I like to walk with Angela because it's nice and quiet and no gossiping. Angela is like me we're both quiet and like silence. I stop in my tracks seeing three of the new students at my table.
        "Are you okay Lexie?" Angela asked.
        "Y-yeah." I reply slowly walking to my table and take a seat in my chair which it's coincidentally beside the honey blonde.
        "Hello. I'm Lexie Swan. You three are new here." I say looking at them.
        The pixie like girl grins at me excitedly. "Yes, I'm Alice Cullen. I can tell we're going to be best of friends!" She chirped.
        "Hello, I'm Edward Cullen." The bronze haired boy across from the honey blonde and beside Alice introduces.
        I look to the honey blonde beside me. "And who, are you?" I smile lightly.
        "Jasper Hale, at your service, ma'am." He says holding out his hand.
         "Oh, such a gentleman." I giggle gently taking his big hand in mine. I suck in a deep breath.
         'Vampire.' I thought.
        "How'd you know that by touching him?" Edward asked quietly.
        I look at him confused. "Did I say it out loud? If so I'm so sorry." I murmur.
        "No, I read your mind." He replied quietly.
        I nodded. "I have a special gift. If I touch someone then I can tell if they're a shifter or a vampire." I whispered.
        "Will, you sit with us at lunch? Your scent helps Jazz stay calm and not want to loose control I seen it. He'd lose control if you decided to ditch today but you changed your mind last minute and decide to come to school and I seen Jasper holding you close calm as ever like he is right now." Alice says.
       I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, totally."

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