Chapter 3

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I let out a giggle as Jasper lightly tickled my sides as I sat in his lap during lunch.
"Jazz! Stooop." I whined between giggles.
Jasper chuckled and decided to stop tickling me. I smile turn my head planting a kiss on the corner of Jasper's mouth.
"So, Lexie. Is this sister of yours younger or older than you?" Emmett asked.
I look over at him. "She's younger by two minutes." I say shrugging.
"Wait, you're twins?" Emmett asked shocked.
"I've mentioned her multiple time." I giggle. "And she'll be here tonight." I say before turning to Jasper. "You have to be more careful sneaking into my room you know that door beside my dresser?" I asked.
"Yeah." He says confused.
"It connects to Bella's room." I say. "And sometimes we share a bed like when we were younger." I say.
Jasper nodded kissing my hair.
Jasper, Alice, Eddie and I walk out into the parking lot to meet Emmett and Rosalie at Emmett's jeep.
"Hey." I grin as we got closer.
"Hey short stack." Emmett laughed.
I pouted crossing my arms across my chest.
Alice, Jasper and I get into Eddie's Volvo. Alice and Edward up front and Jasper an I in the back seat.
I kiss Jasper lightly. "I'll see you tonight." I murmur. "Bye Ali, Eddie."
I get out of the car and headed inside.
"Lexie?" I heard dad say from the kitchen. I peek my head into the kitchen.
"Hey dad." I smiled.
"She's in her room getting settled in." He grinned as we heard a honk outside.
I quickly run upstairs. I barge into Bella's room seeing her unpacking. She jumps looking at me.
"Hey Bells." I grinned.
"Oh, hey Lexie." she replied.
I walk over and hug her tightly. We pull away I brush her hair out of her face.
"I hope you like it here. I'm convincing dad to add a conjoined bathroom so we don't have to share with him." I say.
Bella nodded. "Alright. Let's go outside. Dad has a surprise for you." I grin walking out of her room with her following.
We headed outside and seen Billy, Jake, Dad and Billy's old orangeish truck that I told dad to get for Bella knowing she'll love the rust bucket.
"Hey, Billy, Jake." I say.

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