Chapter 13

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3rd person
Bella's eyes pop open and she realizes she lying in a be, fully clothed. She sits up and looks around for her twin sister that's nowhere in sight. She walks out of the room and see the blinds closed and spots Alice and Jasper sitting on the couch staring blankly at the tv as Lexie was passed out on top of Jasper her face buried in his neck. Bella looked at her cell phone as Alice looked up.
"I wish he'd call." Bella mumbled.
"You should eat." Alice says.
I open my eyes tiredly as I heard Jasper's voice and felt his throat vibrate as he talked. "Yes. It is." he says insistent. "Edward's changed since he found you. And none of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you. It's worth it." Jasper says.
I reach up and play with his hair.
"I wouldn't know what to do with myself if your sister died." He whispered to Bella while squeezing me tightly.
I pull away from his neck and look at Bella. "Eat." I say giving her a mom look. She slowly eats the fruit.
I look at Alice as she froze. I quickly climb off of Jasper and grab a paper and a pencil.
"What do you see?" Jasper asked
"The tracker he changed course..." She trails as I set the paper and pencil in front of her.
"Where will it take him, Ali?" I asked urgently.
"Mirrors. It's a room of mirrors." Alice says as she begins to draw at a inhuman speed with her eyes closed.
"How does her visions work? Edward said they weren't always certain." Bella questioned.
"She see the course people are on, while they're on it. If they change their minds, the visions change." Jasper replied as I focused on what Alice was drawing.
"So the course James is on now will lead him to.. a ballet studio?" Bella questioned. We all three snap our heads up at her.
"You've been here?" Alice asked.
"No. I don't know. I used to take ballet lessons as a kid. The school had a arch like that." Bella replied tracing the arch on the paper.
"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jazz asked.
"Yeah, around the corner from my house. But I haven't been there in ten years." Bella replied.
"Do you have any reason to go now?" I asked.
"No. Hell no. I hated that place." She replied.
Alice, Jazz and I share a look. I jump when Bella's phone rings.
"Edward. Are you alright?" Bella says sounding relieved.
"This is my fault. You warned me, but I didn't think. I just..." Bella trails.
She listened for a moment before answering, "No... we can't. When will you get here?"
I stood beside Jasper as he loaded up the car not wanting to be away from him.
3rd person
Bella was in the hotel room gathering her things when her phone suddenly rings. The caller ID reads 'home'
"Mom, I'm so glad you got my --" Bella starts.
"Bella? Bella? Where are you?" Rene cried into the phone.
"Calm down, mom. Everything is fine, okay? I'll explain every -" Bella cuts off hearing a rustling on the line as if her mother dropped the phone. "Mom? Are you there?"
"Nice house you have here. Not the best on the block, but comfortable." James' voice fills Bella's ears. "I was prepared to wait for you. But then mom came home after she received a very worried call from your dad. It all worked out quite well."
Bella's eyes went wide with fear as she listened to James' dark voice. "I must say, Forks High School doesn't protect its students' privacy very well. It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address."
"Bella? Bella?" Rene's voice filled Bella's ears.
"Leave my mother out of this." Bella growled.
"Your protective of her. That's nice you can still save her. But you'll need to get away from you friends and sister. Can you do that?" James asked darkly.
"I.. don't think so." Bella stuttered.
"If your mother's life depended on it?" James growled.
"Where should I meet you?" Bella asked terrified.
"The old ballet studio around the corner. And I'll know if you bring anyone along. Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake." James said sniffing, "She smells like you. Delicious."
Bella hangs up panicked.

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