Chapter 8

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I stood leaning against Jasper watching as Edward followed Bella into the forest.
"She knows doesn't she?" I asked looking at Alice.
"Yep." She replied smiling at me.
I felt Jasper's lip on my temple. "Wanna skip school Darlin'?" Jasper asked.
"Sure." I grinned pulling away from Jasper and looked at Alice who was practically bouncing with excitement. "Are you okay, Alice?" I asked.
She nodded. "Yeah, have fun on your day off." She sang before skipping off towards school.
I laughed lightly getting into the passenger seat of my car while Jasper got into the front seat.
"Oh, this is a very pretty place." I smiled looking around the as he set me down on my feet.

" I smiled looking around the as he set me down on my feet

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"I found it while hunting and thought of you." Jasper says leaning down and captured my lips in a kiss.
We pull away and I smiled up at him. "So why did you want to skip school?" I asked sitting right beside the flowing water.
"Well darlin, I thought it was the perfect time for some me and you time." He says sitting beside me.
I smile at him leaning my head on his shoulder.
"But, I have somethin to ask you darlin'." Jasper says.
I look over at him as I felt him put something in my hand. He nodded to my hand. I open my hand and reveal a beautiful ring.
"Will you marry me darlin'?" He asked.
"Yes!" I squeal climbing into his lap kissing him lightly on the lips. He took the ring slipping it on my finger.

 He took the ring slipping it on my finger

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"It's simple yet beautiful." I say after I pull away looking down at the ring on my finger.
"It was my mothers she given it to me when my father died telling me to give it to my one true love." Jasper explained kissing me again.

I love you." I whisper laying my head on his chest.
"I love you too, darlin'." He replied.
"I better get you home darlin'." Jasper says standing up and then picking me up into his arms.
I let out a giggle as he ran through the forest towards my car.

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