Chapter 12

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I was on Jasper's back as he ran through the forest towards the Cullen house.
I was set on my feet beside Bella. I hug her tightly stroking her hair. "It's alright. The Cullen's will make sure your safe." I say gently.
We all walked into the garage and they start packing up bags.
"I've had to fight our kind before. We're hard to kill." Jasper says as I hop onto the counter.
"But not impossible. We'll tear him up." Edward says.
"We'll rip him apart with our hands, then burn the pieces." Emmett says darkly.
I had my eyes on Jasper I say him fighting for control over his alter ego the Major. I have yet to meet him.
"I don't relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle says.
"If he doesn't get to one of us first." Rose spat causing me to flinch slightly.
"This is insane. You can't put yourselves in danger like this for me." Bella cried out horrified.
"Too late." Rose spat at her. I sent Rose an evil glare.
Edward also shoots her a look as he throws a set of keys to Carlisle. "I'll run Bella south, while you lead the tracker away." he says.
"No, Edward, the tracker thinks you won't leave Bella. He'll follow you." Carlisle says shaking his head.
"Lexie, Jasper and I will go with Bella. We'll drive her south." Alice says as I hop off the counter and walk over to Jasper and Alice.
"We'll keep her safe, Edward." I say.
"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" he asked Alice.
Alice nodded and suddenly I'm picked up and sat in the passenger seat of Carlisle's car.
"If any of you get hurt because of me.." Bella says her voice was thick. I glance back at her with a sad look.
"We won't, there are five of us, two of them. When it's done, I'll come get you." Edwards says as I turn my head and look at Jasper.
He gently grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers together. I sent him my emotions of love while looking into his eyes. He smiled at me lightly before turning to the road peeling out of the garage and down the road.
I had my head against Jasper's shoulder as we where driving down the highway.
"Mom, it's me again. You must have let your phone die. Anyway, I'm not in Forks anymore but I'm okay. I'll explain when you call." I heard Bella say.

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