Chapter 2

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I ended up having the rest of my classes with either Jasper or Alice. Alice and I exit our math class and there stood Jasper.
"Hey, Jasper." I smile up at him. 
"Hey, Darlin." He smiled back gently grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers together.
Alice looped her arm through left arm. "Let's head to lunch." Alice grinned and we headed to the cafeteria.
We met up with the rest of their family.
"Hey, Eddie." I smiled at him.
"Hello, Lexie." Eddie smiled a crooked smile.
"Lexie, this is Rosalie and her boyfriend Emmett." Alice says.
I smiled at the beautiful blonde. "You're very beautiful." I say looking down shyly.
"Thank you. Your very pretty too." She smiled at me.
We all walk into the cafeteria and head to the lunch line.
"Oh, fries!" I squeal with a giggle.
The others laughed at me lightly.
We walk to the table. Rose and Emmett leading. I let out a giggle as Jasper spun Alice and then me. I glance at my friends and see Jessica glaring angrily at me. I look up at Jasper as he and the Cullen's growled.
"What?" I ask as Jazz pulled me into his lap pressing his nose to my neck breathing deeply.
"Her thoughts are very rude about you." Eddie murmured.
"What is she thinking?" I ask taking a bite of my cheeseburger.
"She's calling you a whore." Rose whispered.
I swallow thickly my eyes burning with tears. I felt Jasper's hands slightly tighten around my hips. I suddenly felt calm. I sink back into Jasper.
"Lexie, would you like to come over tonight?" Alice asked me bouncing slightly.
I giggle. "Yeah. Let me tell my father." I say grabbing my phone from my pocket as we walk out to the parking lot.
I dial dad's work phone number since he doesn't answer his cell phone at work.
"Hello?" Dad asked.
"Hey, daddy. Is it OK if I go to my new friend's house?" I asked.
"Well what's her name?" He asked.
"Alice Cullen her and her adoptive parents and sibling just moved here." I say.
"Okay sweet be safe." He says before hanging up.
I giggle as Alice was pulling me a volvo.
We pull up at a beautiful house.
"Oh my gosh this is very beautiful." I say amazed.
"Glad you like it dalin." Jaz smiled.
We get out I let out a giggle as I was suddenly on Alice's back and in the living room of the house where a blonde man and a beautiful brunette woman is.
"Hello, I'm Lexie Swan." I smiled.
"Hello, dear. I'm Esme and this is my husband Carlisle." the woman smiled.
"Oh, your the new doctor. I actually want to become a doctor or a nurse." I grin at Carlisle.
Carlisle smiled at me. "How about I have a word with the school and my boss and see if you can come to the hospital after lunch and work under me so I can teach you everything?" Carlisle asked.
I squeal happily hugging him causing him to chuckle.

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