Chapter 14

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I hop off Carlisle's back as we got to Bella.
"Izzy!" I cried out as she screamed in pain.
I grip her hand gently as Carlisle works fast to assess her wounds. I gently stroke her hair while crying as Bella writhes in pain.
"Her femoral artery's been severed. She's losing too much blood." Carlisle stated.
It's on fire! My hand!" She screamed out.
I gasped seeing a bite mark on her wrist.
"Venom." Edward stated.
"You have to make a choice. Either let the change happen-" Carlisle started but was cut of by Edward.
"It's going to happen. I've seen it." Alice said from beside me.
It doesn't have to be that way." Edward stated firmly.
"Alice, find me a tourniquet. A rag, a shirt." Carlisle says.
I watched as Alice held her nose and avoided the blood as she ripped the sleeve of her blouse. I turn back to Bella whispering soothing words into her ear.
"It's burning!" Bella screamed loudly.
"What's the other choice? You said-" Edward was cut off by Carlisle speaking to Alice.
"Tighter above the knee-"
"Carlisle." Edward growled impatient.
"You can try and suck the venom out." Carlisle replied.
"I -- won't be able to stop -" Edward says in a pained voice.
"Find the will to stop. But choose, she only has minutes left." Carlisle says.
I clenched my eyes shut as a tear falls down my cheek I couldn't do it anymore to see her in pain. I felt myself being picked up. I open my eyes and see Jasper. He walked me outside and set me down. He pecked my lips before running back inside.
I sat on a sofa close to the chair Edward was ' sleeping ' in. Our mother Renee on the edge of Bella's hospital bed.
"You're awake, baby! You're okay!!!" Mom whisper cried. I quickly get up and walk over to them.
"Edward? Where's - " Bella stuttered.
"He's asleep." Mom says nodding across the room. "He never leaves neither does your sister. And your dad's down in the cafeteria."
"What.. happened?" Bella asked.
"Baby, you fell down two flights of stairs and through a window." Mom whisper tears in her eyes. "Edward and Lexie came here to convince you to come back to Forks. Edward's father brought them down. You went to their hotel but you tripped on the stairs." Mom cried.
Bella nodded and I knew she realized it was a cover story.
"Sounds like me."
Mom's phone beeped. She opened it reading the text and replying.
"It's Phil, he's worried about you."
"Mom, your... texting." Bella says in surprise causing me to giggle.
"I told him to stay in Florida the Suns signed him!"
"That's great mom." Bella says.
"Jacksonville is always sunny and you'll have your own bathroom so will Lexie."
"Mom, wait I want to live in Forks I have, dad and Lexie.... and friends." Bella mumbled.
Mom looked at Edward. "And he's there. Also Lexie and her now fiancee Jasper are coming for a week."

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