Chapter 10

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I was clung to Jasper's back as we where running back to the house as Bella is already there. I smiled at Alice as she stood outside on a tree branch waiting for us. Alice grinned at me and glided into the window with Jasper and I following. I jump off Jasper's back and walk to Bella and gave her a hug.
"Hey, Izzy." I say with a small smile while pulling away.
"Hey, Lexie." She smiled back.
I walk back over to Jasper wrapping my right arm around his back and resting my left hand on his chest leaning into his side. Alice skipped over to Bella.
"Hi, Bella." She says hugging her. "Oh, you do smell good."
"Alice, what are you..." Edward trailed off looking at the pixie like vampire.
I let out a slight giggle before turning to Jasper with a smirk. I giggle as he let out a growl throwing me on his back and we where out the door in a millisecond.
I was sat down on my feet by our place. I turn to Jasper and stood on my tip toes kissing him lightly. I squealed as Jasper picked me up wrapping my legs around his hips. We pull away and I smiled at him pecking his lips once more.
"Soon, I'll be Mrs. Whitlock Hale." I smiled happily.
"Yes, very soon Darlin." He grinned back.
His phone suddenly rang. I was set on my feet as he checked it. He looked at me with a toothy grin.
"Ready for some baseball darlin'?" He asked smirking.
"Hell yeah." I grinned.
I giggle as I was thrown onto his back and we were running back to the Cullen's household. I was set on my feet in Alice's room and Jasper disappeared out of the room as Alice walked out of the closet holding an outfit. It was a white baseball shirt that had Hale written on the back above the numbers eighty seven, a pair of white skinny jeans, and a pair of black high top converse. She smiled handing me the clothes. I quickly change into them and she grinned at me. I threw my hair up in a messy bun before we headed downstairs.
"We're running there. Edward has the jeep to get Bella." Carlisle informs me.
I nodded smiling while walking over to Jasper and hopping onto his back.
"Let's go!" I cheer causing the Cullen's to laugh.

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