Chapter 9

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It was later the night I got engaged. I sat on Bella's bed with Jasper who gotten Charlie's permission to stay the night.
"Okay, the wedding is this summer." I say glancing at Jasper who's face was buried in my neck. I felt him nod.
"Why this summer? Why not after we graduate?" Bella asked.
"Because, I want to be with Jazz forever and I want it to be as soon as possible." I say and Bella nodded understandingly.
"And you want me to be your maid of honor?" Bella asked.
"Yes, Izzy. And no you don't have to wear heels." I say with a knowing smile.
"Oh thank god." She mumbled.
I sat on the hood of my car with Jasper leaning against it between my legs.
"Where's Eddie?" I asked stroking Jasper's hair.
"You'll see!" Alice squealed happily. I let out a light laugh.
I eyed Edward's car as he parked getting out and walking to the passenger side. I grin as Bella got out and they headed into school and Edward laid his arm across her shoulders.
I was helping Bella wash her truck.
"How did dad react to you getting married?" Bella asked.
"He knew before I did Jasper asked for his hand in marriage." I say smiling lightly.
Bella nodded smiling. I jump hearing a bang. I look up and see Edward standing on top of the cab of the truck. He smirked at me while laughing. I glare at him as he jumped down into the bed then out of the bed of the truck onto the pavement.
"Can't you at least act human. We've got neighbors you know." Bella grumbled as Edward smirked.
"I'm taking you to meet my family tomorrow." Edward says ignoring Bella's statement.
I laugh at Bella's nervous face. "What if they don't like me?" Bella asked nervously.
Edward and I let out loud laughs at her words. "You're meeting a family of vampires and what you're worried about is if they won't like you." Edward laughed.
"I'm glad I amuse you two." She grumbled at us.

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