Chapter 11

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I was sat on a blanket in the grass beside Esme, Rose and Alice as we talked about wedding details.
"I found the perfect dress for you." Alice grinned at me.
"I know I'll love it without even seeing it." I say grinning at her.
We all turn our heads as we heard Emmett's jeep. I smiled as my twin got out of the passenger seat. I got up and ran over to her giving her a warm hug.
"Hey, Izzy." I smiled happily.
"Hey, Lexie." She says hugging me back.
We pull away and I just suddenly want to be in Jasper's arms. I turn around and ran over to Jasper jumping into his arms giggling.
"Hey, Jazzy." I smiled at him.
"Hey, darlin'." He says smirking.
I lean over and pressed my lips to his lightly before pulling away.
"It's good you girls are here we need a couple umpires." Esme says as Jasper set me down.
I walk over to her and Bella.
"She thinks we cheat." Emmett says.
"I know you cheat." Esme replied. "Call them as you see them girls."
First up was Rosalie. Alice gracefully threw the ball and just as thunder struck Rose hit the ball.
"Now I see why you need thunder." Bella says in awe.
I let out a light giggle.
"That's gotta be a home run." She says.
"Edward's very fast." I say as I watch Edward chase after the ball. Suddenly Esme had the ball just before Rose got to the home base.
"Your out." Bella mumbled to her. Rose glared at her and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Come on babe it's just a game."
Carlisle hit the ball really far.
"Stop!" Alice cried out with a look of horror on her face.
"What is it?" Carlisle asked as Edward ran to Bella.
"They where leaving but heard us playing." She said.
"Take your hair down." I say turning to Bella.
She quickly took down her hair. Edward adjusts her hair so it was around her neck. The Cullen's all stood in front of Bella and I.
"Like that'd help I could smell her from across the field." Rose growled.
I rolled my eyes grabbing Bella's hand with my left and and gripped the back of Jasper's shirt.
"I believe this belongs to you." I heard a Jamaican accent say and a slight whizzing sound probably the ball.
"Thank you." Carlisle replied.
"Could you use three more players?"
"Of course." Carlisle replied.
"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria and James."
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle says.
"Our apologies. We didn't realize th territory had been claimed." Laurent says.
"Yes we maintain a permanent residence." Carlisle replied.
"Really? Well we shouldn't be a problem anymore." Laurent states.
"The humans where tracking us but we lead them east." A female voice says.
Suddenly the wind picked up and I heard growling as Bella tightened her grip on my hand.
"You brought a snack." another male voice says, James.
"The girl is with us." Carlisle growled.

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