Where It All Began: Prologue

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl with raven black hair and the bluest eyes. She had two parents, a mother and a father and a little brother that she loved more than anything else in this world. They were the only things she cared about while growing up in a place called HYDRA. But one day, her parents went on a mission and never came back. Left to take care of her brother alone, she had to do things she wasn't proud of at age 11. She had to pick up where her parents left off, seeing as she needed to put food on the table for her brother. As she got older, her heart grew colder to others because no one bothered to show her any amount of kindness or love besides her little brother, but she gave him all the love in the world to him and only him. But on one of her missions, she has to murder a family, but the only thing that stopped her was a little boy. He reminded her of all the bad things she had done in her life that she wasn't proud of to make sure her brother never ended up as she did. Instead of killing him, she made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sent him off to bed with a story. She always made those for her brother with no crust, just like he liked it growing up, and she still made it for him just in case she died on a mission. She always wanted to make sure he had plenty to eat and wouldn't go hungry. When she returned and told them she failed her mission, her brother was slaughtered in front of her eyes instead of being torchered like she thought she would have. Her rage drove her into madness, and she killed every hydra agent she could get her hands on before being put to sleep by a tranquilizer gun and frozen. Everyone knows, and again, they would try to whip her memories away to make sure she only followed their orders. And so she did until today.

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