First Bloom

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The first day of Izuku's last year in middle school was supposed to be great. It was supposed to be the day he got away from Katsuki, from all the torment he received, all because he was different.

Izuku was quirkless.

The only quirkless student in the whole school.

He was constantly harassed, beaten. He often returned home with bruises and burns, sometimes even blood coating his body. Middle schoolers could be cruel, especially to their peers. Izuku learned at a very young age that he was different. It just didn't occur to him that he'd be treated the way he was because of it.

Katsuki, a person who he knew all too well. He treated him the worse, often burning his body with his quirk. Izuku always adored him, though, even after all the torment he received from him. Izuku loved being around him, loved even getting to speak to him. It may sound horrible, but he couldn't help but to like the explosive boy.

That year, everything in his life took a turn for the worse. After one of the many, many beatings he received from his childhood friend, he smiled, not knowing why, but he did. Katsuki just scoffed, walking away with his hands dug into his pockets.

A single tear streamed from his eye, his curls covering most of his face as he stared down at his feet. A sob escaped his mouth as he leaned against the wall, sliding down and pulling his knees to his chest, crying into his hands.

"Kacchan... Why do you treat me like this...? " He mumbled, mostly to himself. The sky was darkening outside the windows, a warning that it was going to rain soon. Shaking his head, he laughed softly, wiping a tear from his face.

"I'm so stupid... But.. Kacchan, I... Can't help but love you.. " Before he knew what was happening, he fell forwards, coughing violently.

His whole body shook, a single rose petal falling from his mouth and landing on the floor. He stared at the orange petal in horror, his eyes widened.

He knew what this was.

Hanahaki disease. A disease caused by one sided love.

Gasping, he wailed. Of course, what was he expecting? Katsuki couldn't ever love someone like him, he was quirkless, making him utterly useless. A few more petals fell from his mouth as he thought of the blonde, tears streaming down his face as he looked at each one of them.

Stuffing the flower petals into his pocket, he shakily stood, wiping his eyes before walking outside. As soon as he stepped foot out of the school gates, it began to pour, soaking him. Only letting out a sigh, he walked home to research the disease.

He knew what Hanahaki was, as most people do, but he hadn't ever really payed much attention to it, being as he never thought he had a reason to. Just his luck. Of course, he'd be the one to suffer from this, he's already quirkless, what else did the universe want from him?


Izuku laid in bed that night, unable to get Katsuki out of his mind. Coughing out a few more petals, he groaned, turning onto his side and tried to fall asleep.

The next day, he walked into class, instantly feeling the flower petals rising in his throat when his emerald green eyes landed on a familiar head of blonde hair. Katsuki. Cursing his luck, he sat at his seat, struggling to keep the flowers at bay.


That was the beginning. The start of Izuku's pain. The flowers started to bloom that day, they started to sprout because he realized his feelings. Now, he's probably going to die, all because Katsuki doesn't give a fuck about him.

Katsuki probably won't even care when he dies. Izuku will die and everyone will go on with their lifes. That's what he tells himself every day. Every. Single. Day.

He somehow managed to make it to UA, receiving a quirk from the number one hero, the symbol of peace. It had been his dream to go to the top hero school, to train to be an amazing hero that'd save people with a big, bright smile, but somehow, he wasn't happy.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Katsuki had made it into that school, too, or maybe that they were in the same class, or maybe even the fact that he was still in love with him, still dying.

He's in his second year now, and amazingly, he was still alive. The flowers kept coming, though. Piles upon piles of the bright orange petals, falling from his mouth as he struggled to breath, struggled to stay conscious with the amount of blood he was losing.

He was still alive, still breathing, still in love with Katsuki Bakugou. Miraculously, no one seemed to question when he randomly disappeared to the bathroom, or when he ran out of the room, coughing violently. His friends didn't notice, the teachers didn't care, and Katsuki never even noticed the fact that he was gone, or when he was there for that matter.

Katsuki never even spoke to him anymore, never said a word. Nothing at all. He didn't insult him anymore, never degraded him, never tried to humiliate him like he used to. It was like he didn't exist to him, or he just hated him so much to the point that he wanted pretend like he was even there.

The weirdest part, though, was that the blonde avoided eye contact, refused to even look at him. It hurt Izuku, quite a lot, actually. Though, he wasn't sure why. Katsuki had always hated him, it shouldn't be surprising that he refused to believe he still existed.

He went to bed each night, knowing that he was going to die soon, and there was absolutely nothing he could do to prevent it. Well, there is, but he doesn't want to go through with it. There's a surgery he could undergo to save his life, but it doesn't just remove his feelings for the person he's in love with. It removes all emotions, and afterwards, he'd have to take medication to keep them from coming back.

It's all bullshit to him. He wants to be happy, not emotionless. If the price he'd have to pay is giving up his emotions, then he'd rather die than go through that. Besides, it's not like anyone would care about him dying. Especially Katsuki, and that's probably the part that hurts him the most, that scares him.

As if falling for him wasn't already bad enough. The person he loves the most wouldn't care when he died, probably won't even come to his funeral. He won't be missed, or be remembered. That's what terrifies him.


Depressing start-- heh. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1157 words

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