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"Besides, it looks cute on you, " The greenette looked at him in shock, a blush situating itself on his freckled cheeks. His green eyes widened, crimson orbs staring at him gently.

"I- wha-what? " He asked, his wrist still in Katsuki's hand. The blonde pulled him closer, the greenette now resting against his chest. Izuku gulped, his face getting brighter with every second that passed.

"You heard me, " Katsuki said softly, a small grin tugging at his lips. "It looks cute on you, " He repeated himself, his thumb rubbing soothingly at his wrist.

The curly haired male paused, green eyes searching red ones for a few moments. "N-nice joke, " He said quietly, his gaze falling to the male's hands holding him closely.

"Izuku, " The greenette looked up quickly, "I'm not joking, " The blondes' finger hooked under his chin, tilting his head up so that their eyes were locked. "I mean it, " He leaned closer, their eyes never breaking contact as their lips touched ever so slightly. The freckled boy gulped as the spikey haired males' lips ghosted over his own, before Katsuki pressed them together fully. The kiss was short, sweet.

"K-katsuki, " The green eyed male whispered out breathlessly, their eyes still locked. Katsuki's gaze flickered from his eyes for a moment, glancing at the boys' plush lips. He dove in again, quickly capturing Izuku's mouth with his once more. It was more heated this time, Izuku slowly beginning to melt into it. A small whimper came from the freckled male, the blonde releasing his grip on his other arm, only for the greenette to bury his fingers through his blonde locks.

The taller of the two swiped his tongue over the latter's bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. Reluctantly, he obliged, parting his lips slightly. The tiny gap was just enough for Katsuki to slip his tongue in, letting him explore his mouth fully. His tongue ran over every part of his mouth, greedily tasting him. Izuku, against his better judgement, moaned, gripping onto his spikey hair. The blonde wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, pulling him closer as he explored his cavern.

The lack of air had their mind's hazy, small pants were heard every time they parted, before it was drowned out by their lips locking together again. Every moan, every growl, every pant was swallowed by the two, the kiss still heated and passionate. Katsuki pulled away first, staring down at the shorter of the two with adoration and awe filled eyes. Izuku's face was flushed, his freckles barely visible among the deep red covering his chubby cheeks.

The younger panted softly, staring up at the blonde. He didn't know what to do, what to say, how to feel. The man that he had been in love with for years, the same man who he was sure that would never love him back and would be the reason he died, had just kissed him. "Kacchan... " He started, his heart hammering in his chest. His lips were swollen and red, his curls impossibly more unruly than usual, and his face was flushed. "W-why did you...? " He asked, though his words were barely above a whisper, afraid of the answer to come.

A hand gripped his waist, the other being placed on his cheek, to which the greenette leaned into. He thumbed at his lips, smiling softly. "God, Izuku, " He said, his ruby orbs scanning over his face with awe. "It took me way too long to figure this out, but.. " He paused, letting his eyes fall downwards. "I like you. A lot, actually.. I'd even go as far as to say I love you, honestly, " He said, bracing himself for the rejection. "And, I know you probably don't feel the same. Hell, I'd understand, I bullied you for years! You probably don't want anything to do with me, and-"

Izuku cut him off with a kiss, his hands cupping his face sweetly. "If I didn't feel the same, Kacchan, I wouldn't have kissed back, " He smiled, his green eyes looking at him lovingly. "We have a lot to talk about... " He started, his heart still pounding. "But it can wait," The greenette pecked his lips softly, pulling away to see the blonde grinning stupidly.

"Will you.. " Katsuki grabbed his hands, intertwining them. "Be my boyfriend, Izuku? " The prideful male asked, hope lingering in his voice.

"Yeah, " Izuku said, his smile growing larger. "Yeah, I will, " He rushed forwards, his arms wrapping around the larger male tightly.


Uraraka sat on the couch, the tv remote in hand as she gorged herself on a bag of Cheetos. "Fucking useless Deku, " She seethed to herself, nearly growling as she recalled the events from earlier. "Bet he's fucking Bakugou! Gays are repulsive! " She sneered.

Her ears perked up at the sound of giggling, her gaze flickering to the stairs. Katsuki and Izuku walked down them, hands laced together as they talked to each other softly. The greenette was laughing quietly, the brunette not sure what about though.

She rolled her eyes, gripping the cheeto bag in her lap tightly. "Disgusting, " She said loud enough for them to hear, Katsuki and Izuku turning to look at her in surprise. "You're repulsive, you're both going to hell, " She sneered at them. "If you're going to date, do it behind closed doors where no one can fucking see it! Fucking gross. "

"O-ochako? " A timid voice sounded from the opposite side of the room, making Uraraka turn to see who it was. Tsuyu stood there, tears brimming her eyes. "H-how could you, Urachan? " She asked, sniffling as Mina appeared behind her. "I trusted you... " The pink haired girl wrapped an arm around Tsuyu.

"T-tsu! I-i didn't m-mean-! " She tried to say.

"Save it, " Mina hissed at her, venom lacing her words. "Come on, baby, " She pulled the greenette girl with her, sending a glare towards the brunette.

"Well, round cheeks, looks like you fucked up. Think before you speak next time," Katsuki growled at her, glancing at Izuku for a moment before pulling him into the kitchen.

Uraraka watched them leave, her eyes then falling onto her lap. She licked her dry lips, feeling an ache in her throat, before small tears ran down her face. "What have I done...? " She whispered to herself.


Is the Bitch finally seeing how bad of a person she is? Hm? Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1092 words

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