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Uraraka stomped into her dorm, anger clear on her face. She slammed the door behind her, plopping onto her bed, which was covered in pink pillows, and grabbed the closest one. She stuffed her face into the plushness, screaming in frustration.

"Why doesn't he love me!? " She pulled the pillow to her chest, scowling softly. "Fuck him.. Gays are so gross.. "


Izuku closed the door behind him as he entered his dorm room, small tears streaming from his eyes. He leaned against the door, sliding down into a sitting position as he cried. His whole body shook, the flowers he had been holding back finally coming out.

They fell to the floor, drops of blood falling with the orange petals. Izuku sobbed softly, his lips red from the blood. With a choked cough, another wave of petals fell, a pile forming below him. Releasing a shaky breath, he let his eyes close, the metallic taste of blood still filling his mouth.

His gaze fell back upon the pile of flowers, his head falling backwards as he groaned. He leaned back, pressing his back against the cold, hard surface of his door. He wasn't expecting for his body to convulse once more, making him fall forwards, barely catching himself as he coughed up another wave of flowers.

His eyes widened at what he saw, it was way more than usual. Izuku let out a shattered laugh, tears streaming from his eyes once again. "It's getting worse... "

Shakily standing, he scooped up the flowers, throwing them in his trashcan and then wiping up the blood from the floor. Wiping his puffy eyes, he glanced at the door, contemplating leaving his dorm. The greenette ultimately decided not to leave, as he felt too weak, and laid down on his bed.

Closing his eyes, he let himself nearly fall asleep, but not until a knock sounded from his door. The greenette was just going to ignore it, but a husky voice accompanied it, "Deku, " Izuku's eyes jolted open, his throat already beginning to ache, "Can I come in? "

Sitting up, he stayed silent for a few moments, not sure if he should answer, "Y-yeah, come in, Kacchan.. "

The emerald eyed male watched as the door knob turned, opening to reveal the familiar blonde. "Hey, Deku, " Katsuki closed the dood behind him, a worried expression on his face, "You okay? "

Izuku looked back to the spot he had been only a few minutes ago, thinking back to how he was shaking, blood and flowers pouring from his mouth, "Y-yeah.. I'm fine.. "

Katsuki didn't look like he completely believed him, but instead of pressing on, he stayed silent, his eyes drifting to the floor instead. His crimson orbs landed on a blood stain on the rug, his brows furrowing as he looked up at Izuku in question.

"What's that, Deku? "

Izuku nearly panicked, it was the stain he wasn't able to get out after he accidentally collapsed on his rug instead of the wooden floor, staining it red. "T-that's just... I accidentally cut myself and got the blood got on the rug.." Izuku was too afraid to meet his gaze, sure that he'd see right through him.

"Alright.. " Katsuki spoke hesitantly, making Izuku nearly gasp. He had actually believed him.

While Izuku was happy he didn't question farther, he was still confused as to why he was in his dorm checking on him. Katsuki never cared about how he felt before, what's different? Was it because of Uraraka? The two sat in an awkward silence before Katsuki spoke once more, "I, uh, should probably get going.. I put your food in the fridge, since you didn't finish it.. So, um, yeah. Bye? "

"B-bye, Kacchan.. "

The blonde slowly walked out, leaving Izuku still confused. Deciding not to read too far into it, he laid back down, letting his mind wander. Soon enough, his mind was once again full of thoughts about katsuki, whether it was of him rejecting him, or the two dating.

Izuku couldn't stop himself from thinking about him, and eventually, he was coughing up more petals.


Izuku sluggishly walked into the common area, his eyes landing on his usual group of friends. The greenette sat down with them on the couch, getting a warm hug from Todoroki. The dual haired male rested his head on his shoulder, not letting go and eventually pulling him into his lap.

It may seem like more of a romantic gesture, but their relationship was completely platonic. Todoroki was touch starved, and Izuku was always the one he sought out affection from. Izuku giggled, reaching up to pet his head as the heterochromia eyed male hugged him tighter.

Izuku's smile dropped when he saw Uraraka enter the room, locking his gaze on his hands. "Deku-kun, can I talk to you for a second? "

Izuku hesitantly spoke, "S-sure.. "

Todoroki reluctantly let go of Izuku, pouting as he got up from his lap. Tsuyu pet his head to comfort him, Todoroki leaning into her touch ever so slightly.

Izuku followed close behind the usually bubbly brunette, letter her lead him to the kitchen. "Deku-kun, I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have acted out the way I did, " She spoke ungenuinely, "You had already said you were gay, I shouldn't have done that. "

Izuku didn't catch the insincerity in her voice, so he smiled warmly, "It's okay, Ura!"

She smirked slightly, "Good, now, let's go back to the common room. "

The greenette nodded, leading the way. When he returned, he was pulled back into Todoroki's lap, a small chuckle escaping his lips. He leaned back into his chest, listening as Iida and Tsuyu had a conversation.

When a certain blonde walked in, Izuku didn't even notice until he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, indicating that someone was staring at him. He looked up, eyes locking with Katsuki's for a few moments until the ruby eyed male looked away, grumbling under his breath.

Shrugging it off, he went back to listening in on his friends' conversation.


I always tend to make Todo the bad guy in my books, so I made him really sweet in this. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1057 words

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