Close call

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Izuku yawned sleepily, walking through the empty hallway to his dorm. He grabbed his dorm key, sluggishly unlocking the door. He squealed in surprise as two arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly. He was about to scream, but a hand covered his mouth before he could.

"Midoriya, it's just me, " Todoroki's familiar monotone voice spoke, "Please don't scream."

"O-oh, it's just you, Todo-kun.. You scared me! " Izuku said as the heterochromia eyed male removed his hand, moving his hands down to wrap around his thin waist. "Todo, do you want to come in and cuddle? We can play some games, too, it you'd like! "

"Mm.. Yeah.."

The dual haired male released the greenette, letting him lead him into the room. His eyes scanned Izuku's room, landing on the emerald eyed males' bed. He plopped onto the soft mattress, pulling the greenette into his lap and resting his chin on top of his head. Izuku only giggled, reaching his hand up to pet his hair before handing him a controller.

He grabbed one for himself, leaning back into his chest.


Izuku and Todoroki had been playing Mario Kart for about an hour, the dual eyed male losing almost everytime. He had taken to pouting, hiding his face in Izuku's green hair. A rather loud knock sounded from his door, the greenette raising a brow in question. He went to get up, but Todoroki wouldn't let him. So, instead, he sighed, giving in. "Come in! "

On cue, the door opened, their explosive classmate stepping into the room. When his eyes landed on the two, Izuku in the other males' lap, he scowled. When Izuku laid eyes on Katsuki, he instantly felt sick, breaking out of the heterochromia eyed males' hold and racing to him bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

Violent coughing could be heard from inside the bathroom, muffled sobs as well as choking sounds too. Both Katsuki and Shoto looked at each other in concern, the ash blonde walking forwards and knocking softly on the wooden door to the greenette's bathroom. "Deku, " The red eyed boy spoke gently, "You okay? Can I come in? "

After a moment, Izuku was able to get out an answer, "N-no, don't! "

"Why not, Deku? I don't think you're okay.. "

"J-just please go away, Kacchan.. I'm begging you.. "

Katsuki scowled, why was Izuku pushing him away? "Fine, " Katsuki hesitantly pulled away from the door, momentarily debating if he should go in anyways. Sighing, he gripped the handle, pushing the door open, even though Izuku had asked him not to. There, crouched down in front of the toilet, was Izuku, looking seemingly fine.

Just before the blonde had walked in, Izuku had managed to hide his trashcan full of petals and blood, not noticing the single orange petal in front of him. Katsuki looked around, searching for anything that proved that Izuku wasn't okay. His ruby eyes landed on the orange flower petal, questions flying through his mind. What the hell?

Letting his gaze linger on the petal for a moment longer, he dragged his attention to the greenette, who gave a weak, sheepish smile. "What happened, Deku? "

"O-oh, it's nothing.. I just felt a bit sick, that's all! " Izuku said, hoping his words sounded believable.

Katsuki stared at him for a few moments before nodding, letting his eyes travel back to the lonesome flower. Izuku, confused, followed his gaze, gasping. How could he possibly have left that there? How did he not notice it? "K-kacchan, " Izuku tried to ignore the petals rising in his throat, " C-could you l-leave, please? And ask Sho to leave too.. "

The crimson eyed male nodded, hesitantly walking out of the bathroom, grabbing Shoto's arm and pushing him out of Izuku's bedroom. He closed the door, situating himself on the greenette's bed. He didn't even know why he was still there, but he wanted to talk to the green eyed boy, something they hadn't done in a long time.

The hell is wrong with me? Sighing, he laid back, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. Izuku came out of his bathroom a few minutes later, squealing in surprise as he saw Katsuki. "K-kacchan! Why are you still in here? "

"Mm... Just want to talk, " Izuku shifted nervously, standing in front of his bed, "The hell are you doing? " Katsuki reached his hand out, grabbing the greenette's wrist and pulling him onto the bed.

"W-what do you want to talk about..? "

"What was that flower petal from? "

Izuku's breath hitched, subconsciously scooting away from the prideful blonde, "N-nothing! " He yelped, clearly panicked.

The blonde frowned, his hand shooting out to grab his forearm, "Deku, " He said, "Why are you lying? Just tell me, " He scowled.

Izuku searched the prideful males' eyes, gulping slightly. "I- it's really nothing, K-kacchan... " He spoke softly, his throat already beginning to ache from the close proximity. Katsuki stared at him intently, still holding his wrist in his hand.

He sighed, tearing his gaze away as he let him go, setting his hands in his lap. "So, " He said, trying to change the subject, due to the greenette obviously being uncomfortable. "You and Icyhot, huh? Didn't realize you two were dating."

"Wha-what? M-me and Todo-kun aren't dating! " He laughed softly, covering his mouth slightly.

"You're not? Sure seems like it, " He spoke, a hint of venom lacing his voice, though he wasn't sure why. His gaze softened as he heard the boys' laugh, resisting the urge to smile at him. He hasn't heard him laugh in years.

"We're j-just good friends, " Izuku informed him, smiling softly. "He's a bit touch starved due to his... T-troubled past.. " He stated.

Katsuki nodded, a part of him settling at the confirmation. He visibly relaxed, leaning back against Izuku's bed. The two chatted for a while, the greenette somehow managing to not cough out flowers everywhere. Once they realized what time it was, they said their goodbyes, Katsuki going back to his dorm to sleep.

When he left, Izuku coughed up only a few petals, and mostly blood. He winced slightly, cleaning up and settling into bed. He laid on his back, staring up at his ceiling. His thoughts wondered to the blonde, his face turning a light pink. He sighed softly, turning onto his side as he grumbled lowly, "What am I thinking...? He'll never love me back.. I'm going to die from this stupid disease... "


How was your day? Also, sorry for the late update! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1119 words

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