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Katsuki grinded his hips down against his lover's, his hands cupping his face as he nibbled on his bottom lip, tongue tangling with Izuku's. A low, breathless moan could be heard between the sloppy swap of saliva, scarred hands weaving through blonde locks and tugging deliciously, attempting to ground himself. One hand was removed from his face, the greenette to far gone in the bliss of their make out session to care where it was going. A sharp sound shot through the silence, taking Izuku to identify it as the sound of a zipper, his legs tightening ever so slightly around the man's waist. "K-kacchan," He moaned out through rapid panting.

"Deku," The larger male groaned, his dick twitching in the confines of his sweatpants. Katsuki pulled away from his boyfriend, face red as he panted from the heated kiss, his hands working diligently to pull the black pants off and toss them to the floor beside the bed. He then gave a light peck to Izuku lips, pulling the greenette's jeans off with ease. "Why were you wearing jeans? " He asked with a chuckle, watching as he boy pouted.

"Mm... Too lazy to change.. " He mumbled, freckled fingers tugging at the blondes' sweatshirt with a low whine. "Hurry up... " Izuku muttered, his face flushed bright red.

"Be patient, baby, " Katsuki quieted him, reaching down to tug his shirt over his head, leaving him in just his grey boxer briefs. The blonde slid off the freckled boy's All Might themed underwear, licking his lips in anticipation as he stared at his twitching hole. His finger circled the smaller male's rim, watching with delight as the boy writhed at the teasing to his entrance, whimpering in frustration at the intrusion that never came. His curly haired loved whined, trying to direct his finger to enter him. "So needy, sweet boy, " His other hand pulled the greenette's hoodie over his head, fingers tracing over the freckles and scars adorning his gorgeous body.

"P-please, " He pleaded, fisting the pillows under his head desperately. "Kacchan, please, " The snap of a cap had him peeling one eye open, moaning as he watched the man before him pour a generous amount of the liquid onto his fingers, the clear substance running down his hand and arm in thick globs. Soft lips were on his once again, their mouths moving in sync as the freckled boy felt a cold digit prod at his entrance, before slowly sinking in, scarred arms wrapping around the back of his boyfriends' neck, moaning out as he broke the kiss to lean his head back. "O-oh-! " Soft kisses were planted over his flushed cheeks, the blonde not adding another finger, nor moving it, letting him adjust the foreign feeling of being full.

"Relax, honey, " He said softly, soft red eyes staring at the male's blissed face. "It'll hurt if you don't relax, sweetheart," Izuku nodded with a gulp, letting himself relax around the intrusion. "Good boy," Katsuki praised him, his other hand rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on his hip. He slowly inserted a second finger, beginning a steady, rhythmic pace, scissoring his fingers inside of him. "So good for me, baby, " Katsuki said gently, curling his digits to press against his prostate, making the boy gasp with a shudder as the blondes' fingers brushed over the sensitive bundle of nerves. The larger male's shaft throbbed in his boxers, curling his finger once more before removing them, sliding his underwear off to finally release his length from their painfully tight confinement.

Izuku whined at the loss, before stopping dead as his eyes landed on his lover's cock, his entrance gaping with the need to be stuffed full. The blonde was quick to pour more lube onto his member, sliding his hand over it a few times, with a groan. His hands steadily aligned his shaft with his twitching hole, the tip pressing against him deliciously. Katsuki let his gaze fall onto his boyfriends' face, "You ready, baby boy? "

"Y-yes, Kacchan, please, " Izuku's reply was shaky, his hands resting on the male's back. With one last glance at his partner, he focused his attention back at his entrance, slowly beginning to push in, the freckled male gasping and clenching around his shaft. S-so big! The curly haired male thought to himself, moaning out loudly as inch after inch entered him, filling him up to brim. A hand clamped over his mouth, quieting his moans.

"Shh, baby, you gotta be quiet. We don't want Aizawa to catch us, " The blonde spoke softly. After what felt like forever, the ruby eyed boy finally bottomed out, pressing against his g-spot with ease. While he was huge in length, he also had girth, being the thickness of Izuku's whole hand, or at least, that's what it felt like. Katsuki removed his hand from his lover's mouth, leaning down to capture his boyfriends' lips with his own while he let Izuku to adjust. Soon enough, after another passionate kiss, the greenette gave the signal, the crimson eyed boy slowly inching out until only the tip remained, bucking his hips forward roughly, slamming back into his tight hole. Izuku had to clamp his own hand over his mouth to suppress the rush of moans.

"O-oh! Oh, god, yes-! " The curly haired male all but screamed out, muffled by his own hand. The blonde started a harsh pace, his hips thrusting rapidly as he fucked into his tiny boyfriend, his arms caging him underneath him. His jade eyes rolled back, his legs finding their way back around the blondes' waist, nails clawing at the man's back, leaving deep red scratches as he clamped his teeth down on his bottom lip, attempting to silence himself.

"So good, Izuku, " The ruby eyed man panted out, still bucking repeatedly, speeding his pace up. "So tight, " He hissed as the freckled male clenched around him, gripping his hips.

Izuku's back arched up off the bed, his nails digging into his lover's back as he yelped, "K-kacchan-! C-cumming-! " He moaned, his hips jerking upwards as he shuddered, thick ropes of white shooting onto their chests as Katsuki continued the fuck him ruthlessly.

"M-me too, " He growled out deeply, his hips jerking erratically as he thrusted a few final times, slamming in deep as he came with a loud groan. "Fuuuuck, " He moaned, cumming deep within him.

The two panted, basking in the afterglow of their activities. The exhaustion began to set in, Izuku's eyes drooping as he leaned his head back against the pillows. "Mm... Tired... " The greenette mumbled, wincing as the blind pulled out, feeling his cum gush out messily. "Ew, " He laughed softly, giggling as Katsuki hugged him close, pulling him close to his chest as he laid down on his side. "Kacchan, we're dirty! " He wriggled in his hold.

"We'll clean up later.. " The ruby eyed male held him tighter, hiding his face in his neck.

"No, Kacchan. We gotta get cleaned up, we can snuggle afterwards. We're icky, " The boy finally got out of his boyfriends' grip, pulling him out of bed and towards the bathroom.

"Fuck, fine, " He agreed reluctantly, yawning tiredly.


Here's the smut, sorry it took so long-- I was going to make it where it wasn't even Izu and Baku fucking, but I thought that y'all would get mad lmao. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1255 words

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