The truth

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"You fucking fag! " The woman spat at the brunette harshly, grabbing her arm with a bruising force. "You're not my daughter! No daughter of mine is going to be gay! " The lady threw the little girl into her room, seething at her. "Stay in here and think about your actions, you're a disgrace! Liking girls is a sin! "

The little girl sobbed loudly, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. "M-mommy! I'm s-sorry! What d-did I do, Mommy?" The girls' voice was coarse, breaking as she kneeled down at her mother's feet.

"What did you do!? " The woman hissed angrily, slapping the little girl viciously. "Liking girls is disgusting! You can't like that girl, not now, not ever! If I find out you like another girl, " The brunette mother grabbed the little girl by her shirt, raising her up to meet her furious eyes. "You won't get off so easily! Do you hear me, fag?"

"Y-yes, Mommy... " The girl hiccuped out, clutching her mother's hands in fear. The lady released her grip, watching evilly as her child fell to the floor, clutching her body with a whimper of pain. Her daughter curled into herself, wailing out loudly. For good measure, the woman sent a harsh kick to the child's ribs, smirking in satisfaction as she screamed out.


Uraraka awoke with a jolt, releasing a rather loud sob as she sat up, hiding her face in her hands as she cried. She struggled to wipe away the tears, her cries echoing throughout her dorm room. "W-what have I done.....? " She wailed out, sniffling softly as she continued to try to wipe away the clear droplets with the sleeve of her pink sweater.


Izuku giggled as Katsuki kissed his chubby cheeks, the taller male holding him closer as they snuggled in bed. The blonde had snuck into the greenette's dorm after Aizawa had gone go bed, nearly scaring his small boyfriend half to death as he attempted to slide in bed beside him. "Kacchan, " The curly haired male nuzzled into his chest, smiling as his partner rubbed his back gently.

"Yeah? " The male asked, curiosity lacing his deep, tired voice.

"I, uh... Think we need to talk about some things... " Katsuki frowned, sitting up and pulling his green eyed boyfriend with him.

"About? " His tone was wary, his expression worried as his red eyes over Izuku nervously.

"Well, you see..... " The greenette paused, gulping. Should I even tell him...? No, it'll just ruin everything, he won't want me anymore.. Things will go back to how they were before, he's going to be disgusted.. Oh, Izuku! You can't do anything right! You finally get the boy you've been in love with for years to like you back, and you're already messing things up! Damn it, he's going to hate me... Maybe I should just-

"Izuku, " The deep, husky voice belonging to his boyfriend snapped him out of his thoughts.

"U-um, yeah..? " Izuku shook his head, meeting the boys' gaze.

"You zoned out, " Katsuki placed his hand on the greenette's cheek, staring into his eyes with concern. "Are you okay? "

"I-... Yeah, everything's fine, let's just lay back down... " He turned to lie down, but the blonde grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from doing so.

"No, Izuku, something's wrong. You can tell me," Katsuki stared at him, his eyebrows knitted in worry.

"It's just..... " Izuku bit his tongue, the bitter taste of blood starting to fill his mouth. "Hanahaki, " He stated simply, watching as his boyfriend's face scrunched up in confusion.

"What about it? " The spikey haired boy asked, his hands lacing with Izuku's.

"I..... I had it..... " The greenette whispered out, closing his eyes to shield himself from the inevitable rejection and harsh words that were sure to come.

"You... Had it... " The blonde repeated, mostly as a statement than a question, letting the words sink in. "Am... I... " The red eyed male didn't finish his question, his stomach churning.

"Y-yeah.... " His small boyfriend replied, turning away.

"How long? " The boy asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What...? "

"How long, Izuku? How long did you have it...? "

This is it... He thought to himself. "Three years.. Since middle school...." His emerald eyes started to fill with tears, his throat begining to ache as he held back a sob. He feared that, at any moment, the boy was going to turn on him. Bracing himself for the male to yell, scream, tell him how disgusting he was. He was waiting, mentally preparing himself for the blonde to break up with him and leave. Instead, though, strong arms wrapped around his frame, pulling him close as small sniffles rang throughout the room.

"I'm sorry, " The male croaked out, hiding his face in Izuku's chest. "I've caused you so much pain and suffering, you deserve so much better than a scumbag like me, " Katsuki sobbed out, his arms tightening their grip.


"I'm so sorry, if you want me to leave, I will.. I'll understand if you-"

"Kacchan, " Izuku stated softly, lifting his boyfriend's head to look him in the eyes. "I love you," The greenette whispered with a small smile, "I want you, I've always wanted you, Kacchan. Yeah, we have a.... Rough past... But that's in the past, right? I might have gotten Hanahaki because you didn't love me before, but it's gone.... You love me now... "

Izuku shyly looked down into his lap, his words trailing. A gasp flailed from his mouth as he was suddenly pushed down, his boyfriend crawling over him. With curious eyes, the greenette watched as the blonde leaned down, farther and farther, before capturing the curly haired boy's lips with him own. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, the emerald eyed males' scarred hands reaching up to weave through his blonde locks, tugging lightly as their lips moved in sync.

Large hands found the greenette's hips, his thumb rubbing gentle circles into the exposed skin, due to his shirt being folded up slightly. Izuku moaned softly, wrapping his legs around the boys' waist. After a few moments, the two pulled away, their faces flushed and the two both panting softly. Izuku giggled, hiding his face in the boy's chest. "I love you, Deku, " Katsuki spoke with a chuckle, his hand coming up to caress his freckled cheek.

"I love you, too, " The greenette smiled, nuzzling farther into his chest. The blonde made him look up at him, locking their lips together once more.


Possible nsfw next chapter? Yes? No? Maybe? Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1111 words

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