Maybe I like him...

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Warning, homophobic slurs.

As Katsuki exited Izuku's dorm, he couldn't help but smile. It wasn't large, and you could barely tell, but it was enough for him to growl at his own actions. "What the fuck? " He whispered under his breath, face palming slightly as he opened his dorm room door, which was a few rooms down from Izuku's. Closing the door behind him, he locked it, walking forwards and flopping down onto the bed.

The blonde sighed in content, his eyes closing as he snuggled into the pillows on his bed. The crimson eyed male opened his eyes, searching for something that not a single soul knew he owned. Once finding it, he grabbed it, pulling it closer. It was a small All Might stuffed toy, and he made sure no one in UA knew he had it. He held it tightly, smiling as he cuddled it. The prideful male always did that when he was confused or frustrated, and he was definitely confused with his emotions at the moment.

The blonde let out a little purr like sound, turning over to look at the clock. Sighing, he turned off the light, crawling back in bed and closing his eyes. He couldn't fall asleep, though. He tossed and turned for an hour before groaning in frustration. "Fuck, " He said angrily. "The hell is up with me today? " Katsuki laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he crossed his arms behind his head.

He let his mind wander to a certain greenette. How his green eyes sparkled when he laughed, how it seemed like he was constantly blushing, how his freckles looked like stars gracing his skin. "What the hell? " He asked himself quietly. "Why am I thinking about that nerd..? " He asked, though he knew the answer already. "Maybe.... Maybe I like him... "


Izuku's eyes shot open, his body barreling out of bed as he rushed to the bathroom. Once there, he sunk down in front of the toilet, petals already falling from his mouth. He coughed and coughed, his eyes watering as the thorns attacked his throat, leaving painful scratches in their wake. The green eyed male watched in horror as whole stems came out, blood pouring out of his mouth easily.

It's getting worse, he thought. He could barely breathe, his airway blocked by the flowers. Eventually, though, he had coughed up most of the flowers, his breath shaky and his eyes glossy. The greenette gulped, standing and flushing the toilet. With a sigh, he looked at his reflection in the mirror above the sink. His eyes knitted in worry, his face was deathly pale, due to the loss of blood just then, there were clear streaks down his cheeks from crying, and his lips were cut up and red.

Shaking his head, he walked back into his bedroom, getting back in bed. Pulling the blanket back, he climbed back into the warmth, nuzzling into the pillow with a small chirp of comfort. He smiled softly, something he rarely did when he was alone. His thoughts trailed to his friends, how they'd feel if he died from this stupid, stupid disease. Oh, why can't he just stop loving the hot headed blonde? His heart ached whenever he so much as saw him, he wished life didn't always have to fuck with him the way it did.

As if being born quirkless wasn't bad enough, but he had to go and fall in love with someone who hates him. That thought alone made him want to cry, but he couldn't. Not now. He'd already shed too many tears. He wouldn't cry for someone who he never had a chance with anymore. He just had to accept the fact that he's going to die over this, because he had to fall for the one person that wanted nothing to do with him, the person that's despised him since day one.

Sighing softly, he rubbed his eyes, a small groan escaping his lips. Yawning, he turned onto his stomach, hiding his face in the plush pillows and stuffies. "Maybe I can try to get some sleep... " He mumbled out.


Izuku blinked rapidly as he awoke, taking in the light shining in through his window. He groaned, covering his face with his forearm. Eventually, he dragged himself out of bed, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. This action caused his shirt to lift up, exposing his abdomen and v-line. A person barged through his room, making him squeak in fear, pulling his arms down. "Deku-kun! "

Uraraka shouted at him, her eyes narrowed as she stared at him. "Y-yes, Uraraka? "

Her chocolate brown eyes searched over him, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "What are you wearing? " She sneered.

Izuku, confused, let his eyes trail down to his outfit, which consisted of a pastel yellow, crop top hoodie and grey sweatpants. "W-what?"

"You're a guy! Why are you wearing a crop top, you fag! " She seethed at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just because you're gay, doesn't mean you have to dress like it! " She hissed. "Like, fuck, no one wants to see that!"

The greenette stared at her silently, his heart aching. "W-why are you being like this, Uraraka-san? "

She sneered, "I just think gays are fucking gross! Two men liking each other? Disgusting! Why can't you just be normal? " She spoke, Izuku almost to the point of crying. "Being gay is a fucking sin! Why do you feel the need to shove your homosexual shit down everyone's throats!? "

Small tears fell down the green eyed males' cheeks, his gaze falling onto the floor. Next thing he knew, the loud ring of a slap echoed through the room. "Get lost, floaty bitch! Before I do something I'll regret! " The deep, husky voice of none other than Katsuki sounded throughout the small dorm.

The freckled boy looked up, only to be met with piercing red eyes watching him in concern. The brunette had already left, and the blonde slowly walked forwards. "K-kacchan....? " He sniffled, oddly not feeling the familiar ache in his throat.

"You okay? " He asked, receiving a nervous nod. "She's a bitch, don't mind her. She needs to learn to get over herself, hell, most of the damn people in our class are gay! Raccoon eyes and frog girl are dating, Pikachu and shitty hair, the list could go on, " He joked, making a small smile tug on the greenette's lips.

They fell silent, before Izuku spoke. "S-she's right... I-i should change... " He turned, but Katsuki grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.

"Don't do anything because she says so, do what you want. Besides," He spoke, "It looks cute on you. "


I haven't updated this book in so long, and I'm so sorry! But, this and Fading Lights are going to be main focus now, being as I finished Mine. Also, like, I sprained my wrist, so updates are probably going to be slow for a while. It hurts to move, so I can't exactly type very well right now. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1226 words

P.s. What Uraraka said totally wasn't based off of what a girl said to me a couple weeks ago--

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