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Izuku groaned as he opened his eyes, wincing in pain as a jolt of an undeniable ache radiated from his backside. He pouted, cuddling closer to the warm body holding him tightly, moaning as two fingers rubbed at his entrance. "Kacchan... Not right now.. " He mumbled, earning a deep, throaty chuckle from his partner.

"Fine, fine, " He heard the male's groggy voice, sighing as he was pulled closer. "How do you feel? " Katsuki asked, Izuku yawning.

"Hurts.. " The greenette muttered, sitting up with a slight hiss. He stretched his scarred arms above his head, sighing as he leaned back against his boyfriend's chest.

"Sorry, " The blonde said with a small laugh. "You look cute, " He said absentmindedly, fingers twiddling with one of the freckled boy's curls. The green eyed male smiled, pressing a sweet kiss to the male's nose.

"We gotta get dressed, " He said, stumbling out of bed, ignoring the ache from his rear as he stood up and pulled on a pair of boxers, his ears pink.

"Covering up, huh? You were begging to take those off last night, now you want them back on?" The ruby eyed male joked, watching with amusement as his lover's face flushed red.

"K-kacchan! " He sputtered, covering his face. The spikey haired boy laughed loudly, standing up and grabbing Izuku's hand, leading him towards the bathroom. Katsuki started the shower, waiting for the water to warm up. Izuku stripped off his underwear, letting himself be pulled into Katsuki's embrace, sighing in content as soft kisses were pressed up his neck, a light smile tugging at Izuku's bubblegum colored lips.


Izuku yawned again as he pulled on his school uniform, buttoning up the jacket tiredly. "Stupid Kacchan, now I'm going to be sore.. " He mumbled, chuckling as a kiss was pressed to his temple.

"Says the one that was pleading for more like a bitch in heat~" Katsuki whispered softly in his ear, the greenette squealing in surprise as his backside was slapped. Warmth crawled up his neck, following to the tips of his ears, his whole face burning hot.

"Y-you can't just -- You can't just say that, Kacchan! " The curly haired boy pouted, refusing to look the other male in the eyes.

"It's the truth, " The blonde stated with a chuckle, pulling away to pull on his uniform jacket, watching with a smirk as the boy sputtered, his cheeks bright pink.

"So mean.. " Izuku said quietly, pulling on his bright red trainers, stuffing one of his hero analysis notebooks into his yellow backpack, as well as his homework and textbooks. He quickly reviewed each paper, making sure he had everything assigned to him the day before, before zipping the bag up and placing it on his desk. Katsuki yawned, fingers lacing with his boyfriend's as he rested his chin on the top of his messy hair.

"Love you, Deku, " The blonde grumbled, his ruby orbs falling onto his lover's sweet features. Izuku giggled, smiling up at his taller boyfriend with happiness.

"Mm... Love you, too, " The greenette said gingerly, smiling brightly as they gently swayed together, rocking back and forth, seemingly dancing to an unheard melody, the two listening to each other's heart beats. Eventually, the two pulled away Katsuki grabbing his backpack, while Izuku followed behind him. They were halfway out the door, before the greenette realized he had forgotten something. "You go on ahead, I'll catch up! " The blonde nodded, kissing Izuku's forehead, before continuing to walk.

The curly haired boy stepped back inside his dorm room, eyes searching for his history homework. Once finding it, he grinned, walking forward to grab it. Before he could, he felt something inside his chest churn, a sickeningly familiar feeling itching at his throat. His emerald eyed began to water, the boy gasping for air as he rushed to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet as he choked. He stared in horror as wilting, orange rose petals fell from his lips, stems following suit. He sobbed out, coughing out blood as he choked on the petals.

When it finally passed, he curled up on the floor, crying into his hands. "I-i thought he...." The greenette wailed.


Izuku walked into class, his face pale and his eyes red. Katsuki stood from his seat, walking over to him with worry and concern clear among his features. "Deku--" Izuku cut him off with a sharp glare.

"Don't... " He said, "I can't take this right now.... If you don't actually love me, just day so! " He whisper-shouted, trying not to alert anyone else in class what was happening.

"Izuku, what do you mean? Of course I love you, " He said, hurt in his eyes.

"Y-you! -- I... The flowers.... " He started to cry, the blonde sighing and pulling him out of the classroom, pulling him into the bathroom.

"Izuku, " The spikey haired male stated simply, " What's going on? Why are you questioning my love for you? " Katsuki asked, leaning against the wall, taking his boyfriend's hand in his own. The curly haired boy swallowed hard, sniffling as he wiped his tears.

"I-it's just.... " The freckled male hesitated, eyes falling onto his feet. "They're.... They're back... " He whispered, tears starting to fall from his eyes once more.

"What's back, baby? " The blonde asked, giving his lover's hand a slight squeeze, reassuring him everything was alright.

The freckled boy inhaling deeply as he met his partner's worrying gaze. "The petals.... They're back... But they're.... W-wilting... I-i don't understand, Kacchan!" The green eyed male sobbed, hands fisting the ruby eyed male's shirt as he was pulled into his chest, hiccuping as he cried.

Katsuki's heart dropped, swallowing hard as his mind ran through every possible reason as to why his boyfriend was once again sprouting Hanahaki flowers from his mouth. "Izuku, baby boy, look at me, " The explosive male cooed at the smaller boy, scarlet orbs meeting jade eyes as the timid boy sniffled. "I love you, " He stated, "I promise, baby, I love you. I'm not sure why this is happening, but we'll figure it out, okay? " The spikey haired male asked, receiving a shy nod. The blonde boy sighed softly, hugging the green haired boy tenderly.


It's been a while since I updated this, huh? Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!!🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

1067 words

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