See You Later

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You should be here
But he took you from me
You met him last Summer
He swore you'd never be free
He made you suffer and hurt
No one could know just how bad he was

The doctors said you had half of a year at best
You proved them wrong
But you still left
You should've seen me graduate
But you went with him instead

I'm not angry
I would never be mad at you
It is he who is at fault
He snuck up and killed you right before my eyes

I knew it was coming
He had been pushing and hurting you for a long time
I didn't want you to hurt because of him anymore

The last day I saw you
Was the last day you really had
So fragile and weak
I couldn't even recognize you anymore
He took all of the light from your eyes
I knew you were done fighting

In my heart I somehow knew
That was the last day
As I left the hospital room I said "I love you papa"
I thought you were asleep
Although it was faint
I could still hear the last words
Frail and hushed you told me
"I love you baby girl"

The next day
He made you stop fighting
His hurt was enough to make you leave
I may not be religious
But I know you are in a better place that he can't hurt you
You seemed like you were living a hell
Cancer isn't in Heaven

You will forever be my best friend
I love you papa
See you later

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