Before I Fall

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Here comes the silent treatment
The dismissal and the disapproval
Why am I the bad guy?

I just want to be your wife
And not be in a constant fight
Against the ones who gave you life

Why am I second best
When I'm the one who got you out
Why am I to blame for their behavior

I don't get it
You tell me I'm number one
But I'm not dumb

I'm done with being pushed aside
Like my feelings don't matter
I promise I'm not crazy

But I am crazy right?
Because I'm battling disorders that haunt me
The same problems that debilitated me

Everyone always excuses their judgment
I'm overreacting because I didn't take my meds
But that's on me

It's on me to be okay
To make sure I'm happy and not suicidal
To radiate positivity when I'm numb

So please don't pick me
You're not going to lose me
Because I'm too insecure to assert myself

I'm always drunk or high
Because I can't cope with life
I'm always on guard

But I couldn't care less
If one day I parish due to stress
And the feeling of loneliness

It tears me apart to watch myself fall
Fall to the very bottom of the bottle
A bottle that that is filled for my love for you

I just want a hug and some reassuring
To tell me I'm not the only one fighting
Because I'll fight until I die.

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