𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧

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Edit: Cinematic based on the story! Check it out❤️
I SIT TWO ROWS AHEAD OF LENNON AND CAL, trying to ignore them as they laugh and talk in the back row. Cal says something that causes her to laugh the beautiful laugh that haunts my memories. I turn around, looking back at them. Cal's hand is holding Lennon's and she doesn't seem bothered by it. She looks up from their hands, her eyes meeting mine. When we were younger, back in the Sandlot, the summer before she left, we started to fall in love, not that we hadn't been secretly pining over each other for the previous five years either. It was sheer coincidence that I had sent that ball flying into Mr. Mertle's yard the day we met. And it was also sheer coincidence that I happened to forget my bags of plastic bottles at home so I needed to grab them anyway. It was like we were destined to meet that day. Her watery blue eyes meet mine and, for a split second, all is okay again. For a split second, I'm standing in the sandlot again.

     The sun beats down on my skin, cooking me as I prepare to run the bases. The bases are covered in shoe prints from my run earlier. Lennon stands at the second base, prepared to finally get me out—it's been her goal all summer. Kenny pitches, a cutter flying my way. I bat, the wood connecting with the ball. It flies into the outfield, where Smalls stands. He runs forward, catching the grounder, throwing it to the bases as I sprint. The ball reaches Lennon's glove and I'm on my way to second. Our eyes meet and a smile makes its way onto her lips.
     "I'm gonna get you out, this time, Benny!" She exclaims.
     I try to run past her but can't. She's thinner and faster. Although she's shorter, she runs as fast as lightning. She makes up for her stature in speed. She sprints at me, jumping at me. Her arms wrap around me and we hit the dirt, rolling into the grass, laughter in our throats. She lay on top of me, her long hair dangling over her face. I push a strand back behind her ears, a smile on my lips.
"I liked how you held my hand last night, Benny." She says. "Maybe we can do it again?"
I nod, smiling even wider as my hand finds her free hand. Our fingers interlock tightly and it's just me and her.
"Okay, lovebirds, let's get back on with the game." Kenny says.
The next day, Lennon showed up in her Dad's van. She didn't bring her bat, glove, or ball, even. It was just her.
"Benny, can we talk?" She asks, holding her hands together tightly.
I nod, setting my bat on the ground next to my glove. I follow her to the dugout.
"I'm moving." She says, a frown on her lips as she sits down on the bench.
I lean against the doorway, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Moving? Okay, we can get through this. I'll save up to get a car and I'll come pick you up every day before school and practice." I say.
     She shakes her head, running her hand through her hair.
     "You can't drive to New York every day, Benny." She says.
     I raise an eyebrow, the realization slowly hitting me. She doesn't mean she's moving a couple blocks away. She's moving across the whole damn country.
     "New York? Why the Hell are you moving to New York?" I ask.
     She stands, approaching me. Our hands fit together perfectly, my thumb fumbling with her twine bracelet.
     "My Dad got a new job. But, I turn eighteen in three days. And, when I do, I'm buying an Airplane ticket and I'm flying back home. It'll just be like I'm on a family road trip. You won't even notice I'm gone." She says.
     I nod. She approaches me, her arms wrapping behind my back. My hands find their way onto her waist. She leans in close and I stop her.
     "Let's save this until you get home. That way, it isn't a goodbye, but, instead, a Hello." I say.
     She nods, a smile making its way onto her glossy lips.
     "You should probably go say goodbye to the boys. That way, they're not confused when you don't show up tomorrow." I say.
     She nods. But, before we step out of the dugout, she wraps her arms around me, tightly, sighing into the nape of my neck.
     "I like you, Rodriguez." She whispers, clenching my jersey up in her palms.
     I smile, hugging her even tighter. Part of me will die if I lose her.
     "I like you too, Davies." I reply.

     The bus stops and we all stand, stepping off of the bus one by one, leaving our things in our seats. I walk by myself, watching as Cal and Lennon laugh again. I push the door open and we enter the celebration venue—a large Hotel ballroom complete with a bar and hundreds of cheering fans who paid more than enough money to meet the players after the game. The smell of alcohol already floats in the air. Daniel looks at everyone, a smile on his mouth. He needed this win more than we did.
     "Boys, you are allowed to drink tonight. It is a celebration. However, if you drink, be responsible. I can't afford to lose one of you assholes. Not when our season is just starting to get good." He says.
     The boys cheer and split off towards the bar, the bathrooms, the dance floor, the buffet, or the fans. I sigh, slowly walking towards the bar. I look at the man behind the bar who frantically passes out orders. I climb into a bar stool, sighing.
     "I need a drink." I sigh out, holding my head in my hands. "Rum and Coke, please."
     "Make that two." A girl says next to me, sitting in the stool next to mine.
     I raise my head, looking at her. Lennon Faith Davis.
     "This one's on me." She says, handing the bartender a ten dollar bill. "We need to talk."

𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 | 𝐛. 𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐳Where stories live. Discover now