Chapter 1- Orientation

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'I really don't see how these few days of social interaction would add value to my life in any way,' Sheldon protested for the umpteenth time as he slammed the car door.

Mrs Cooper ignored her son's persistent whining. 'Honey, it'll give you a headstart on making friends. Just go enjoy yourself. ' she bent down to kiss his head affectionately.

'Enjoy myself in this environment? How preposterous, ' Sheldon muttered under his breath as he surveyed the campus. Loud laughter pierced through the air every now and then and the large crowds of students milling about did no justice to calm his frayed nerves.

'Students of Acclimetes!' A lady in cat's eyes glasses, a white blouse and a dark pencil skirt yelled through a loudspeaker. Sheldon liked her already. She seemed like the only organised and sane person around.

'Please, settle down. Students of the arts faculty on the left, science on the right, thank you very much.'

Sheldon couldn't help but snort. Acclimetes will be so much more accomplished if it was a purely science academy. It puzzled him when people failed to understand the wonders of science and chose to revel in the unimportant details of Literature or any other kind of arts.

'Now, even though all of you will be eventually  split into your classes, you will be working as a faculty. There are game stations situated everywhere around the school, and the individual teams, as well as the faculty who accumulates the highest number of points will win!' she grinned. 'And rumor has it the prize is quite attractive and involves a vacation to somewhere...' she winked conspiratorially.

Sheldon glanced at the list of allocated teams which had come in the mail along with his timetable. He was in a team of 4--fortunately, all were boys, judging by their names. He was pretty miffed that he wasn't the team captain though.

'Anyone under Leonard Hofstadter? That's me,' a boy in dark framed specs called out uncertainly.

Sheldon shuffled over. 'I am.' He paused for a while. 'You know, I wouldn't mind bearing the responsibility of being the leader. After all, my IQ is 187,' he boasted.

'Wow,' Leonard looked genuinely impressed. 'Um, I'm not sure we are actually allowed to do so though. '

'Hey, so you're Leonard. Nice to meet you man,' a short guy with a bowl haircut bounded over, a lopsided smile plastered across his face. Sheldon felt strangely obliged to punch it. 'The name's Howard!'

'Hi Leonard, my name's Rajesh, call me Raj.' A shy Indian boy piped up, eyes fixed on the ground.

'And I am Sheldon Lee Cooper. ' Sheldon extended a hand stiffly.

Leonard shook it awkwardly. 'Cool. So, uhm, where do you suggest we begin?'

'You call the shots, captain! ' Howard exclaimed. He gave a sudden wolf -whistle. 'Check out that blondie! A little on the short side, but still.' He grinned cheekily.

'Good Lord.' Sheldon muttered to himself. A clueless team captain,an introverted foreigner and a  boy who cannot priortise. At this rate, he  would be lucky to even get out of orientation with his brain still functioning...

A/N: how are you liking my new fanfic? Do comment and vote! I will only consider continuing when I reach a certain number of votes. Thank you (':

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