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Who gets drunk with you, and what do you do?

♊ Gemini🌙 : Dust and Blood
You three attack Killer, tie him up, and drag him to the living room. Dust and Blood tie him to the light upside down, and you get red paint and paint a circle with a seven point star in the middle. The three of you begin to dance around the circle, chantting randomness, and trying (and failing) to summon a demon.

♋ Cancer🌙 : Error and Cross
You three run around screaming for about 30 minutes, then sit down in the middle of a hallway and start talking about your feelings for 2 hours, and then get up and go your separate ways. The rest of the Dark Sans find you passed out in the bathtub, Cross on the kitchen floor, and Error stacking books in Nightmare's room.

♍ Virgo🌙 : Lust and Viper
You three begin scream/singing in the living room, around 11:00 pm. You woke up everyone. The three of you start running around the Mansion with Dust, Blood, X, and Horror chasing after you, Error and Nightmare are trying to stop them and catch you three, and Red and Cross went back to bed. That goes on for 30 minutes before they lost you three. They find you an hour later outside, passed out in the bushes.

♎ Libra🌙 : Red
The two of you begin prank calling the Star Sans. An hour later, Nightmare is having to save you from Edge, while Red is cheering Nightmare and you on from the top of a tree.

♏ Scorpio🌙 : Nightmare and Killer
The three of you go sit in Killer's room, in the dark, and play truth or dare. In just 20 minutes it ends in complete disaster. (I'm just going to leave it there.)

♒ Aquarius🌙 :  Horror and X
The three of you get up on the kitchen table and begin to have dance battle that turns into just screaming at each other. The dance battle lasted a hour and the screaming 30 minutes. X passed out from lack of air and fell off the table and you started to have a coughing fit, so Horror won. He still rubs it in your face.

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