A/N : Sorry

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So I'm discontinuing this book because I've lost all motivation for it. I plan on starting a new book in the future.

Also what's below was a chapter in my random stuff book (not worth checking out). I decided to move it over here. It was titled "Dark Sans Crack". This is what boredom in the middle of the night does to me.


Info) Most of these are inspired by incorrect quotes, however some are mine.


Horror) If I cut off my leg and swing it at you. Am I hitting or kicking you?

Dust) You'd probably mentally scar me more than anything.


Nightmare) In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Killer) Hey X.
X) Hmm... *Looks up from Phone*
Killer) How tall are you?
X) *Exaggerated Offend Gasp*
Killer) *Extremely Proud*
Nightmare) *Trying not to Laugh*


X) I. Want. Chocolate!
Cross) X.
X) *Puppy Eyes* Please~
Cross) ... *Sigh* Fine.
X) Yay!!
Cross and X are about to leave.
Rosette) Where you two going?
X) To get chocolate!
Cross) *Nods*
Rosette) Mind if I tag along?
Cross) Not at all.
Error) *From the kitchen* DON'T LET HER DRIVE!!
Rosette) *Obviously annoyed*
Cross) *Confused* Okay...
X) *Well aware as to why*

[Fact about Rosette: She gets really bad road rage.]


Red) The only time you seem honest is when you're insulting someone!

Viper) The only honest things I can say are insults.


Blood) Your shoe laces are untied.

Red) I'm aware. It's a choice.


X/Rosette) You're never gonna get rid of me.
Cross/Error) Well, I definitely hope so.
X/Rosette) I'm gonna haunt you even after your death.
Cross/Error) *Laughing* Isn't that a bit on the next level?


You're not wrong, but please stop talking. - Nightmare


Viper) I have faith in you.

Killer) *Genuinely Confused* Why?


I need to step outside... for some air... and I will not be back for many days. - Nightmare/Viper

When Dust, Killer, Horror, Blood, Cross, X, Red, and Rosette are being more chaotic than normal, and Error isn't there.


Error) You know, when Blueberry comes over, Viper can get a little...

Red) Psycho?
Lust) Scary?
Blood) Drunk?
Error) All three.


Nightmare) Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
Error) *Sighing* Red's...
Red) Fuck shit up out there, but don't die.
Killer/Dust) *Wiping away a tear* Inspirational.


Rosette) I'm friendly. I'm loyal. I'm energetic. I... I just described a dog, didn't I.

Lust) Well, yeah, but people love dogs.


Cross) Killer, we need to think. How do we usually get out of these messes?
Killer) We don't. We just make a bigger one that cancels out the first one.
X) *Nodding in agreement*


Killer) *Tied to the top of a tree that appears to have been burned*

Cross) *Covered in mud and glitter*
See? See, one day you're gonna look back on this and laugh.

Rosette) *Also covered in mud, glitter, and an unidentified substance*
I assure you, for the rest of my life, every time I look back on this I will personally walk over to your rooms and smack you.

X) *Laughing, but also crying; Appears to have been on fire*
Rosette) Let's go...
Killer) *Still in the tree* Hey! What about me?!
Rosette) ...
X) *Just crying now*
Cross) ... *Picks X up*
Rosette) Once I get Killer out of the tree.


I'd like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals. -Horror/Dust/Blood


Red) *Breaking Blood out of prison* This is the sweetest, most justified kidnapping I have ever seen.
Blood) How many have you seen?
Red) About seven or so.


So I posted this and then remember the soulmate AU chapter. So here are the people I put as your soulmates.

♈ Aries🌟 x Ink

♉ Taurus🌟 x Geno

♊ Gemini🌙 x Dream

♋ Cancer🌙 x Nightmare 

♌ Leo🌟 x Blueberry

♍ Virgo🌙 x Viper

♎ Libra🌙 x Lust

♏ Scorpio🌙 x Dust

♐ Sagittarius🌟 x Death

♑ Capricorn🌟 x Honey

♒ Aquarius🌙 x X!Chara

♓ Pisces🌟 x Error

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