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"What's your biggest secret?"
(secret friends aren't included.)

♈ Aries : Doesn't have one.

♉ Taurus : "That I'm a parasite like Fresh."

♊ Gemini : "That I have a ghost following me. I don't know their name, age, not even their gender. They talk very little and I can't see them. I just can sense and hear them. It's really annoying."

♋ Cancer : "That Pisces and I biological siblings. Our parents divorced and decided to erase a our memories because our mother was keeping Pisces and our dad was keeping me. It worked on Pisces, but it didn't work on me."

♌ Leo : " I'm capable of fire magic. I've never used it before in battle or really in generally. I don't know how everyone will react to knowing this."

♍ Virgo : "I can see weather you'll go to Heaven when you die or Hell when you die."

♎ Libra : "I have no memory of my life on the surface after I fell into the Underground due to a head injury I gained while falling."

♏ Scorpio : "That I'm a demon. Every demon is connected to an angel. The angel we're connected to is called our soul-sibling. It's early impossible for soul-siblings ever meet, but we have managed to do it. The reason why most don't meet is because it's extremely rare for angels to leave Heaven, and demons aren't meant to be able to leave Hell. Also for the few that have, they don't get along well."

♐ Sagittarius : "That I'm an angel. Every angel is connected to a demon. The demon we're connected to is called our soul-sibling. It's early impossible for soul-siblings ever meet, but we have managed to do it. The reason why most don't meet is because it's extremely rare for angels to leave Heaven, and demons aren't meant to be able to leave Hell. Also for the few that have, they don't get along well."

♑ Capricorn : "I've killed in self-defense and told no one. She was declared missing and no one has found a single trace of her. I'm apparently really good at hiding bodies."

♒ Aquarius : "That I'm emotionless. When Ink created me, he was still learning how to make souls so he messed up a bit. I ended being created with the knowledge of how to fake emotions, and I do it on habit now by observing other people's reactions."

♓ Pisces : "I 'knew' Nightmare was going to eat the apples. He didn't tell me and I didn't pick up on signs. I just wasn't suprise that he did, but I played it off as I was. I might have subconsciously picked up on signs, but I can't recall any."

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