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(AU: You are all on the surface and magic doesn't exist. Humans want all monsters dead. You all interact, but they are the ones you work with the most.)
Who are your partners in crime?

♈ Aries : Ink, Cross, and X

♉ Taurus : Abyss and Color

♊ Gemini : Death, Geno, and Sagittarius

♋ Cancer : Error, Blueberry, and Leo

♌ Leo : Blueberry, Error, and Cancer

♍ Virgo : Viper and Lust 

♎ Libra : Red and Science

♏ Scorpio : Nightmare, Dream, and Pisces

♐ Sagittarius : Geno, Death, and Gemini

♑ Capricorn : Classic, Honey, and Outer

♒ Aquarius : Killer, Dust, Horror, and Blood

♓ Pisces : Dream, Nightmare, and Scorpio

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