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What kind of weapon do you use?
(Requested by: justinexdoung)

♈ Aries🌟 : Ax

♉ Taurus🌟 : Sabre

♌ Leo🌟 : Arming Sword
(A/N: Leo is the only zodiac capable of magic (Fire Magic), but doesn't use it because they don't know how anyone would react.)

♐ Sagittarius🌟 : Staff

♑ Capricorn🌟 : Sabre

♓ Pisces🌟 : Bow and Arrow

♊ Gemini🌙 : Mace

♋ Cancer🌙 : Spear

♍ Virgo🌙 : Longsword

♎ Libra🌙 : Arming Sword

♏ Scorpio🌙 : Trident

♒ Aquarius🌙 : Spear

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