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(Connected to 🌟#9🌟)
1) Why have you though about joining the Dark Sans?
2) How offend has this thought come to you?

♈ Aries🌟 : Hasn't thought about it.

♉ Taurus🌟 : Hasn't thought about it.

♌ Leo🌟 : "Because I know the truth. I know the truth about Error's job. The truth about the Chara Equivalents. The fact that, most, Frisk Equivalents lied to us. I know some of reasons behind the other Dark Sans' actions. Blue and I want to join and fight along side them, but we have to wait for the right time... Where us leaving effects the Star Sans the most."

"During meetings, anytime I'm hanging out with Error, battles, when I'm alone, and probably more. So multiple times a day."

♐ Sagittarius🌟 : "Because my soul tells me we are missing information about the Dark Sans, but most Star Sans are judges or Gods. So my mind tells me we have all the information because they have judged them, but my soul keeps telling me there's missing information and it's just getting stronger..."

"When I'm alone and left to my thoughts, so 4-6 times a month."

♑ Capricorn🌟 : Hasn't thought about it.

♓ Pisces🌟 : "Because Nightmare and Cancer were.. and still are people I consider friends... I miss them a lot at times. Nightmare helped me with understanding my negative emotions, and Cancer is my childhood friend... they are like a sibling. Dream is great and we're really close, but Nightmare knows exactly what to do to help me and Cancer knows everything about me, things I don't think I will ever tell anyone else."

"Nights where I can't sleep, confused about my negative emotions or need to vent a bit, so 3 or 4 times a month."

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