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With my new sword in hand, I went to face that Ghast. I felt overconfident. But in a good way. But questions still lingered in my mind. I also had fun with the Pigmen by hitting them.  I killed each of them in one blow. " This sword packs a punch! " I said with delight. When I found the Ghast, I knew it didn't stand a chance.

" Come at me." I said. It fired some fireballs at me. I dodged them with ease. I managed to hit a couple back. But they didn't connect.  I needed to get the high ground. I saw a little plateau and climbed up it. I was going to do something crazy. I just hope that I don't die. I jumped onto the Ghast and started stabbing it. 

I managed to kill it in two hits. I took a lot of fall damage. But I got a Ghast tear. I kept on exploring the Nether. I found two more fortresses and constantly trained my skills. My biggest fight was yet to come. When I was better at fighting, I planned to take down the Enderman.

I still wasn't sleeping. I am so tired. But I refuse to let my guard down. After six moths, I was ready. If I could defeat the Enderman, I would go to the high city and face the Admin. I ran off in search for the Enderman. When I found it, it was in an open area. " Hey ugly! Down here!" I said. When it looked at me, I looked it directly in the eye. It screamed and started to attack. 

It was harder to dodge since his hands were so big. He ended up hitting me against a wall. I dropped my sword and became dizzy. I shook it off, grabbed my sword, and continued to attack. But he kept on hitting me. I feared that death was near. But I knew that I had to get back up. I waited for him to attack. When he punches, his hand gets stuck in that spot for a while.

He attack and got his hand stuck in the ground. I ran up his hand towards his head. He started swinging his other hand at me. I dodged it. He screamed at me and I jumped and slashed him in the head. I landed and he exploded behind me. He dropped a lot of enderpearls. I collected them. 

I began walking back to the portal. I tried to stay conscious, but it was nearly impossible. I took a lot of damage. I didn't know if I could make it back alive. I'm so tired. I need to sleep. " Yes. You do." Someone said. I looked around. But saw no one. " Must've been a weird sound in the lava." I said. I kept walking. " You need sleep. It's not healthy to stay awake as long as you did." I heard another voice.

This time I knew I wasn't hearing things. I started to run. " What are you so afraid of? Sleep is essential." The voice said. " Get out of my head!" I screamed. I continued to run. " Why are you so afraid of sleeping?" The voice asked. " He'll get me if I do." I replied. I managed to make it to the portal. I put the sword in the chest. My attention then turned to the bed that I made. For some reason, I felt myself walking towards the bed. Like I was being drawn there. I passed out on the bed and drifted off to sleep. " You are officially worthy, champion. I can't wait to talk to you when you wake up."

Light In the Darkness: Admin X Reader ( MCSM )Where stories live. Discover now