Romeo/ The Admin Pt.1

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A/N: This isn't my original fanfiction. I just decided to make a new one for the purpose of this story.

Romeo's POV

Where to start. How about at the beginning. I was born on a winter night. The time was 8:40pm. The date was December 22. I can't even remember the year. I've lived for so long. Anyways, my hometown was called Toketa. i eventually took over and named it Romeoburg. But that's later.

I had no siblings. But my life was happy. Until my parents died. My mother died of wither sickness. My father just left. I was alone at the age of three. I lived with my grandparents from that moment on. When I was six, I decided to explore the world more. Go see new towns, meet new people. 

My curiosity took me to the next town over. It was called the Oasis. I started wandering around. I ended up bumping into someone. " Ow! Watch it." They said. " Sorry." I said. I looked at who I bumped into. It was a girl, about my age. She had purple hair and black eyes. She wore a purple skirt-suit.

" Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'll look where I'm going." I said. " Yeah. You should." She said. " Hi, I'm Romeo." I said. I extended my hand to her. " Xara." She said. She looked me over. " You're a traveler, huh?" She said. " Yeah. My dad left when I was two and my mom died when I was three. I lived in Toketa with my grandparents. But they never gave me a passing glance." I said.

" Sorry to hear." She said. " It's fine." I said. " Hey, do you want to come over house for dinner?" She asked. I nodded. She took me to her house. I was fairly large. " Mom! Dad! I brought a friend over for dinner!" She said. Her father and mother were in the kitchen. " Welcome back, dear." He mother said. " Hello. I'm Mrs. Solara. Nice to meet you." She said. She extended her hand to me.

" I'm Romeo." I said. She led me into the kitchen. They were serving stake. We began to eat. It was really good. " So Romeo, where are you visiting from?" Her father asked. " Toketa." I said.        " Toketa? That's really far away. Won't your parents be worried?" He mother asked. " My mom died of wither sickness when I was three. My father left us at the age of two. I was being raised by my grandparents, but they never gave me a passing glance. So I decided to run away and see the world." I said.

" You can stay with us." Her mother said. " No, that's alright. I'm gonna keep traveling." I said.         " Then I'm coming with you." Xara said. We all looked surprised. " You are not going out on your own, young lady." Her father said. " Why not? Kids my age go out all the time. Heck I've been fighting monsters since I was four. And I'll be with a friend." She said. " No. And that's final." Her mother said.

A couple hours later. I was ready to leave. " Are you staying in town tonight?' She asked me. " No. I'm leaving at ten. I'd figure I'd grab a couple more items before I leave." I said. She leaned over.    " Stop by here at 9:55pm." She said. She walked back inside. At 9:55pm, I stopped outside her house. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I let out a little scream. But someone's hand covered my mouth.

" It's me, Xara." She said. " What are you doing out here?" I asked. " Running away. Just like you did. My parents want me to live just like them. But I'm done I want to see the world too." She said. I nodded. " K'mon. Let's get outta here before we're caught." I said. We exited town and started our adventure.

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