The Wedding Pt.1

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Today was the day. After a year and a half, I'm finally going to marry the love of life. Stella was doing my hair. Kanshi was doing my makeup. I was so excited and nervous. " Are you almost ready?" Stella asked. " Yeah. But Kanshi, can you deliver this letter to Romeo?" I asked. " Sure. But what's in it?" She asked.

" Something for the eyes of the groom only." I said. Kanshi nodded and walked out. She went down to where the boys were getting ready. Cobalt opened the door for her. " Y/N sent this for Romeo." She said. Romeo ran to the door. " Give this to her." He said. He handed Kanshi a letter.

Kanshi came back and handed me the letter. Stella did the same hairstyle that she did for Romeo and I's first date. " May I have some alone time to read this?" I asked them. " Yes, my lady." They both said. They exited the room. I sat down and read the letter.

To my beloved,

Before I met you, I was a tyrant and never treated anyone nice. I didn't have any friends. I would have to force people to be my friends. And it cost me my life. But when I came back, I met you. Just laying my eyes on you, made me feel different. When I brought you here, i didn't know what you wold think of me. But you excepted me for me. Even when you found out I killed your parents, you still had faith that I would not hurt you. I promise to protect you and love you, till the end of my days. I can't wait to make you my bride, my beloved, my champion.

Love, Romeo

I started tearing up. Stella and Kanshi came back in. " What did the letter say?" Stella asked.           " Everything that it needed to say." I said.

Romeo's POV

It was almost time for the wedding. I felt so nervous. I was afraid that I would screw this up. I decided to open the note that Y/N wrote me. I didn't know what it would say. " Can I have some privacy to read this?" I asked Cobalt. " Yes, Admin sir." He said. He left the room. I opened the letter.

To my husband-to-be,

Before I met you, I was struggling. No parents, friends that deceived me, struggling to survive. I didn't know if I could go on. But then I met you. Even though you killed my parents, I felt something towards you. I love you. More than anyone and everything. I love you. I don't care what you've done in the past. What matters is that I love you and will love you forever. You're my light in the darkness. 

Love, Your Champion

I was wiping tears away from my eyes. Cobalt came back in. " Are you ready to go?" Cobalt asked me. " Yeah. Time to go marry the love of my life." I said.

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