A Proposal from The Admin?!

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" Y/N. Marry me." He said. My face flushed red. " Um...Can you repeat that?" I asked. " Y/N. I'm serious. I love you. You're my best friend. I don't want to lose you. Marry me." He said. I was shocked. I wanted to say yes, but my mouth couldn't form the words. I was so flustered. He asked me out of the blue.

Instead of saying anything, I kissed him and nodded. He smiled. I smiled too. We ended up staying the night in the garden. We walked back the next morning. Romeo went back to work shortly after that. I decided to send messages to both Stella and Kanshi. I wanted to have lunch with them so I could tell them about Romeo and I's decision on getting married.

I told them to meet me at the Inhouse Cafe for lunch in three days. That will give me enough time to get a message to Cobalt as well. Romeo insisted on telling the others at the Institute about the wedding. I insisted that I would tell Cobalt, Stella, and Kanshi.

I immediately wanted to start forming some ideas for the wedding. Especially my dress. I was never a fan of long dresses. I wanted something of medium length. Also sleeveless. My maid of honor will be Stella. My other bridesmaid will be Kanshi. Everyone in the city will be invited. The reception will be at the castle.

I am also devising a plan to try and get Stella and Cobalt together. Hehe, I'm so bad ass. Anyways, I do want some of the cake to be chocolate. I'll let Romeo pick most of the food. We will have ample protection. Just in case Jesse and Co. make an appearance.

Before I knew it, Romeo was sitting next to me. It was already night. " What are you up to?" He asked me. " Wedding plans." I said. He looked surprised. " Planning already, huh. I guess you really want to marry me." He said. I shoved him. He just laughed.

" So what are you thinking of so far?" He asked. " Well, I want the cake to be half chocolate. Or at least 1/4th. I also think that everyone in the kingdom should be invited. It is a really special day for us. You can pick out most of the food." I said. He nodded. " How about we make the cake 1/4th chocolate, 1/4th vanilla, 1/4th red velvet, and 1/4th marble (Chocolate and vanilla together )." He said. " That sounds...Yawn*...good." I said. I blacked out. " Sweet dreams, my champion." He said.

A/N: Sry this is so short. Didn't have much time to write.

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