What ever happened to Jesse?

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Jesse POV

" Run! Get out of here!" I said to Y/N. She nodded and ran off. " You really think I'm going to let you get the upper hand on me?" The Admin said. He then powered up and created an explosion. That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out. " Ese...Jes...Jesse!" I heard someone yelling. I woke up to see Petra above me.

" Petra? What happened?" I asked. " Thank God you're alive. I thought the Admin killed you!" She said. " Where is the Admin?" I asked. " Gone. He brought us down here and said that he will return." Someone else said. It was Lukas. He was with Axel and Olivia. " Jesse. You're alive! " Axel said. He ran over and embraced me.

" Axel... you're...crushing my ribs." I managed to say. " Oh, sorry." He said. " Jesse." Olivia said. We embraced. " Olivia. Where are we?" I asked. " Come and take a look." She said. We walked out of the room we were in. I couldn't believe where we were. We were back at the Sunshine Institute. But it was more fortified than last time. 

" How did we get here." I asked. " After the Admin knocked you unconscious, he took you and the rest of us through a portal. And we ended up here. " She said. " Jesse!" Someone said. " It was Radar. " Radar! Thank God you're okay!" I said. " Yeah. You too." He said. Just then the Admin appeared. 

" Welcome guest to my Institute. I'm so happy that you voluntarily decided to join us." He said.      I scoffed. " As you can tell, I fortified the place. Now no one will be able to get out. And if you misbehave, well let's not cross that line shall we?" He said. He vanished. " So we're trapped here." Lukas said.

" Don't worry. I'll find a way out of here." I said. " By the way, what happened to Y/N?" Olivia asked me. " I told her to run so she wouldn't get caught." I said. " Good morning residents. I am your warden. My name is Kanshi. Now if you don't want to end up on the Admin's bad side, I suggest you behave. Now make your way to the nearest chest and grab the materials inside it." He said.

I went over to a chest. Inside was an iron pick axe. That will be useful for an escape. " Now one of our friendly guards will escort you to the nearest portal. We all lined up and went through a nether portal. " You will be mining for quartz. Your schedule will be as read. Wake up at 4:30am. Breakfast at 5:00am. Work in the Nether from 5:10-12:30. Lunch at 12:30. Free period at 12:40pm. Work in the mines from 12:55-8:50pm. Dinner at 8:50. Lights out at 9:00pm. Now get to work!" He said.

We got to work. I tried looking for a way out, but there were golems and guards everywhere. We broke for lunch at 12:30. They led us to a Mush Room. We had to fight for food. I managed to get some mushroom stew. The others got some as well. We then went for a free period. We were able to go up to the real world. I forgot what the sky looked liked. " Did you find any ways out?" Petra asked me. " No. The Admin is really strict on security." I said. We were called back and sent to the mines.

They were under the Institute. After working we went for dinner. We had to get beat roots for a stew. I gave my dinner to Radar. I just looked for a way out. But I couldn't find any way out in the cafeteria either. We were sent to lights out. This went on for a while. I couldn't find a way out. I tried confiscating some materials. But I got caught. I was sent to solitary a lot. But something interesting happened one day.

I was walking by two guards when I overheard their conversation. " Did you hear the news?" One guard asked the other.  " No. What happened?" The other asked. " She's here." The guard said.      " Really?! That's great news!" The other one said. " Yeah. He found her in a cave and brought her here."  The other guard said. " Where is she now?" The guard asked. " She's resting in his quarters. He said that she needed immediate medical attention. So he treated her and now she's resting." The guard said. " Oh. Well I'm happy for the Admin. I hope we get to meet her one day." The guard said. They walked away.

I ran over to the others. " Hey Jesse. Are you okay" Petra asked me. " Yeah. But I just over heard a conversation between two guards." I said. " What was it about?" Lukas asked. " Apparently the Admin found someone and is keeping her in his quarters. She was in bad shape and he healed her up." I said. " I wonder who it is." Axel said. " Yeah, same here." I said.

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