Friends to the end, right?

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Romeo's POV

I knew that Y/N would be safe with Cobalt. However, I didn't know for how long. " That power. It's been so long since I sensed it. So long since I took it away." I thought as I flew off in the right direction. When I arrived at the location, I looked around for the power source.

" I know you're here! I would never mistake your power signature!" I said. I didn't get a response. " Dammit. I know she's here." I said as I looked around. I was then struck by a bolt of lightning and started falling out of the sky. I managed to stop myself before I hit the ground. 

" I never thought you'd be one to let your guard down. But I guess I was proven wrong." I heard someone say. " Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see you here. Hello Xara." I said. " Hello Romeo. Long time no see." She said. It was Xara no doubt about it and she somehow regained her powers.

" Yours powers. But how?" I asked. " I have ways of getting what I want. Just like you." She said. I got angry and flew directly at her. We began fighting in the air. Our fists collided like thunder. Our powers clashed like waves on the beach in a hurricane.

" She's stronger. Stronger than before. But how? Did she find a way to amplify her powers or have I gotten weaker?" I asked myself. " Getting distracted old friend?" She said. She delivered a powerful blow to my face. I went flying backwards. I used my telekinesis powers and lifted some nearby rocks.

I threw the rocks at Xara and caused a direct hit. " Damn you. Always relying on your little tricks to best others." She said. " What ever do you mean? I always believe in fair play." I said. I summoned some fire to my hands and shot a blast at Xara. She tried blocking it but it connected. 

She was blasted into the side of a mountain. I managed to get the upper hand and land a couple of punched as well. But she powered up and blasted me away. " You aren't going to win today Romeo. After everything you did. Killing Fred, imprisoning Jesse and I with the others in the Sunshine Institute, and taking over the entire world. I'm going to kill you for it all!" She said.

She powered up a lightning attack and blasted me with it. I managed to catch it.  " Not today Xara." I said. " Oh? And why's that?" She asked with a smirk. " Because I have something worth fighting for!" I said. I redirected her blast back at her.

" You mean the girl." She said, out of breath. " What?" I asked. " The girl. Y/N. The one who you intended to marry. Or in this case did marry. I wonder what type of challenges she would bring to a fight. Maybe after I'm done with her, she can tell Fred all about you." She said. I felt myself being overpowered by rage.

I lunged at Xara and struck her in the stomach. I didn't waste anytime and kept on attacking. I wasn't going to let her hurt Y/N. I had to protect her. Even if that meant killing another one of my friends. " Don't you dare lay your hands on her!" I said. " Get your hands off of me!" She said. She summoned the rest of her power and blasted me back. I couldn't stop myself from flying backwards and I was blasted all the way back to the city.

I ended up hitting a wall and getting the air knocked out of me. when I looked back at Xara, she wasn't in her admin form anymore. " I guess the power was only temporary. Oh well. I guess I'll kill you with this." She said as she revealed a diamond sword. I tried getting up but was in too much pain. " This is it. the moment I've been waiting for. The chance to take my revenge. It's going to feel so great." She said. She walked up to me and readied her sword to strike.

" It's been a pleasure old friend." She said. I closed my eyes and waited for the final blow to come. But instead, I felt something wet go on my face. I opened my eyes to see someone standing in front of me. That person was Y/N. She took the blow for me. " Don't lay a hand on my husband." She said. Xara removed the sword and stepped back. Y/N fell to the ground. I couldn't believe my eyes. " Y/N!" I screamed out.

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