Work at the Institute Pt.2

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Y/n's POV

" And that's my backstory." Kanshi said. I hugged her. " Hey it's okay. I'm over it now. I have new friends and a new family." She said. " Yeah. Same here." I said. " I just have to go do some paperwork. You two can talk until I get back." He said. He walked away.

" I lost my parents when I was five. They were actually killed by the Admin." I said. " But you love him now?" She said questionably. " Life has a funny way of working itself out. You could chose happiness or sadness. Light or dark. But for me, I chose love. I love him. And I know he will never hurt me." I said.

" You are wise beyond you age." Kanshi said. " We're the same age." I said. We started laughing. " What happened when I was gone?" Someone asked. It was Romeo. " Well, um-" I cut Kanshi off. " We had some girl talk. So we cant say." I said. Romeo's face went bright red.

" Oh, okay." He said. Kanshi and I laughed. I walked over to Romeo. " It was nice to meet you Kanshi. You, Stella, and I should have lunch sometime." I said. " Definitely." She said. Romeo and I left. " So you raised her as your own." I said. " Um, yeah. I guess I did." He said. " Well, in the future, maybe we will have our own child." I said.

Romeo's face flushed bright red. I smiled. We walked along some more. But then Cobalt came running up to us. " Admin, sir. Problem in the mines." He said. " What happened?" He asked.        " One of the prisoners escaped and went into the maze." He said. " I'll be back. Stay safe." He said to me. " I will." I said. We kissed.

He and Cobalt ran off. I took this as a chance to look around on my own. My curiosity took me outside. All the prisoners were working. I looked around at them. They looked so pathetic. When the guards noticed me, they bowed or saluted. The golems just saluted. " Y/N! IS THAT YOU?!" Someone said. I turned my head. It was Jesse and the others.

I put on a fake smile. " Hi, Jesse." I said. " How did you get out? Did you escape?" Petra asked.        " What do you mean?" I asked. " How did you get out of this place?" Lukas asked. " I was never in here to begin with." I said. " Whatever. Now help us get out." Jesse said. " What? No!" I said.

" K'mon Y/N. We're friends aren't we? And friends are suppose to help each other." She said.           " You have never been my friend. All of you have never been my friends. You just used me to get your house work done." I said. " What are you saying Y/N?" Jesse asked. " I'm saying that I'm done with you guys. And I'm leaving." I said. Jesse grabbed my wrist.

" Let go of me!" I said. " You are going to help us. We need to stop the Admin." Jesse said. " Let me go!" I said. Just then, someone yanked me away from Jesse. It was Romeo. " Are you okay?" He asked me. " Yeah, I'm fine." I said. " The Admin." Jesse said. " How dare you put your hands on my girlfriend." He said. Jesse looked at me. I walked over to Romeo.

" So what are you going to do with her, my love?" I asked. " Cobalt! Take her to solitary." He said. " Yes, admin sir." He said. " I have a better life now that you aren't in it. And now, you have to listen to me like you do with Romeo." I said. I gave a sinister smile. Cobalt took Jesse away.

Time skip brought to you by the author :-)

 It was about 7:00pm. Romeo and I were in my secret garden. We were sitting on the tree. He was examining my wrist. " It should feel better now." He said. " Tell me." I said. " What?" He asked.        " No more secrets. Tell me about your past." I said. He looked at me surprised. He looked down and nodded. " Alright. No more secrets. I'll tell you everything. " He said.

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