Day one as The Champion

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The rain had stopped. I woke up to sunlight hitting my face. The Admin was still asleep. I made sure not to wake him. I made my way over to a closet and picked out an outfit. I picked out  F/C shirt, a red skirt, black tights, and F/C boots. I then walked over to the bathroom and put my hair up into a ponytale.

I washed my face as well. While I was drying my face, I felt arms go around my waist. " I thought you would've been asleep still." It was the Admin. " No. I've had enough sleep for a few days." I said. After he got changed, we went down to the dining room. I noticed that He had a lot of servants.

The chef brought out some F/B/F. The Admin didn't really eat since ehe has no need for sustenance. But I ate a lot. " I should have gave you some food last night. " He said. " I was too tired to know how hungry I was." I said. He sat down next to me. " By the wya, you can ask me anything. If you want to know about your friends, this place, anything. Just ask." He said.

" What were my parents like? I don't remember them since you murdered them when I was three." I said. His face turned red. " Yeah sorry about that." He said. " It's okay. I have the feeling that you won't hurt me." I said. He started to blush. 

" Ahem, anyways. Your father and mother were assigned to the zombie mines. They were in charge of taking care of any rogue zombies. They were skilled fighters. Just like yourself. But they betrayed me." He said.

" How?" I asked. " There was a specific prisoner. Prisoner X. I know her as Xara. She was one of my old friends. She used to be an Admin like me but I took away her powers." He said. " Jesse told me about her. And about Fred. I'm sorry that you all had to go through that." I said.                  " Thanks." He said. I smiled. " Anyways, Xara wanted to kill me. I understand why. But she was dangerous. When your parents learned the truth about me, they decided that they would help Xara take me down. They thought that it was the only way to protect you. I learned about this plan the day before they initiated it. So I decided to do the only thing I could do. I killed them so they wouldn't cause any more problems." he said.

I looked away. " Then why did you keep me alive?" I asked. " You were too young to be involved." He said. I kept my gaze down. " You know, I've actually kept an eye on you since the incident. " I looked up at him. " I didn't want you to get hurt. So yeah." he said. He started blushing again. I smiled. " Ever since I came here, I've felt real happiness again. I actually forgot what it felt like." I said.

Just then, one of his soldiers came running in. " Admin, sir. There's a problem at the Institute." The guard said. He stood up. " What happened?" He asked. " Jesse. She started a revolt again." The guard said. The Admin looked at me and rolled his eyes. It seemed like he was telling me         " This has happened before and I'm getting tired of it."  I just laughed.

" Feel free to Take a look around. Just don't go through the terminal portal. I don't know if it's stable for mortals. If you need anything just ask the servants. I told them to obey to you as if they were obeying me." He said. Before he disappeared, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled and then disappeared. " You know he feels the same way about you, right? He's felt that way for a while." The guard said. He walked over to me. " I don't believe I've introduced myself. I'm Cobalt. Cobalt Richiumu." He said

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