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Hey pansycakes! So I have decided to not continue the Divergent high sequel Soo sorry but I'm trying to focus on one at a time... Im working on a no war divergent fan fiction! If this upsets you I'm very sorry but its my decision and as said before I barely have time to update anyway. When writing I usually keep a journal and plan the chapter all week. Then fix and publish it when I'm done. But trust me I try. Look I'll show u why I have no free time;

My schedule:

6:00 wake up and get ready for school.

(Anywhere in between here I begin writing if I get dressed quick enough)

6:50 leave for school

7:00 arrive at school

7:30 school starts

2:50 school ends

3:05 get off at bus stop

3:10 arrive at my dad's house

3:10-4:30 chill out, update, do homework, but mainly talk to my best friend who lives too far away (long distance)

4:30-5:35 get ready for karate/mma and wait for my dad and brother to hurry and dress.

(Tuesday and Thursday)

6:00-6:30 help with the little 3-6 year old class

6:30-7:30 help with begginer karate class white-orange belts

8:00  go home, shower, finish homework, eat dinner, and by then im tired so I write a little then go to sleep.

(Monday and Wednesday)

6:00-7:00 is the Jr mma class for 3-14 year olds

7:00-8:00 intermediate karate class since I'm a green belt.

The intermediate class is green-purple

So there you have it! Oh I also do mma Friday 6:00-7:00

Now there. And I love karate BTW I also love to write. This was the note for the sequel I wanted to share it. I'm in gym. We are having a free day so yay! I'm tired but I'll try to update before gym ends. ❤❤❤❤❤

Qotd: Favorite color?

Aotd: Purrrrrpllllleeeeee

Ilyp wfyl


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