Chapter Twenty Two

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   Tris POV :

   The first person to go into simulations is Walter. The only person I worry about is Mia. Even though she's from candor, I have a feeling she's divergent.

   Walter comes out 45 minutes later. He looks like he saw a ghost, maybe he did. I send Edgar in next. 23 minutes later he comes out with pale skin and red, puffy eyes.

   The last person that goes is Mia. I really I'm wrong about her divergence.

   Five minutes later I hear talking do I go in the room and see four and mia kissing.

   "What the h*ll!!!!!" I yell, tears streaming down my cheeks.

   "Six wait!" Tobias grabs my wrist.

   I slap him do hard that I see a bright red hand print on his left cheek.

   I throw my wedding ring at his chest and run.

   I run as far and as fast as my feet can carry me. I fall to my knees and sob. My face hurried in my knees. I cry and cry.

   Someone comes and carries me off. I fall asleep in their arms.



   My eyes flutter open and it takes me a while to realize where I am. Dauntless. How am I back here? I ran away from the compound only to find myself back here.

   "Finally stiff, I thought you might never wake up."

   Only one person calls me stiff. Peter.

   I bolt out of his bed. "W-Why did you bring me here."

   "Jeez hi to to you too" Peter huffs.

   "What time is it?" I hiss.

   "8:30 p.m."

   "Oh crap I gotta go" I run to the door.

   "No you don't" Peter pulls me towards him by my waist.

   "What do you want." I look straight into his green eyes and feel his stale breath on my neck.

   "I want you." He says simply.

   I knee him where the sun doesn't shine. "This was all staged wasnt it?" I yell. "You planned it with mia"

   "You guessed it." He shrugs. "I have four and mia. There is only one way to get them back."

   "It's called saving their dumb butts." I punch him repeatedly in the face.

   "Again stiff?" Peter says and grabs both my wrists.

   "When is this going to stop?!" I yell through gritted teeth, tears threaten to spill.

   "We just went over this. God stiff use your brain." He spits.

   "Need I remind you that I placed first in initiation?" I smirk "do I bed to remove you that you stabbed Edward in the eye with a butter knife?" I say louder. "Do I really need to remind you that you tried to kill me!!" I yell and can't stop the tears.

   "I'm tired of being pushed around by you!" I shove him away. "I was ranked over you. You are just another guard at the fence, there is nothing special about you." I hiss.

   Peter glares at me and man if looks could kill I'd be dead. (A.N// well this is awkward....)

   He drives an elbow to my stomach. I cough and punch him.

   Peter knees me in the in the face and I fall.  He kicks me in the head, stomach, ribs, everywhere that is exposed.

   I groan and try to stand up.

   "No." Peter shoves me down.

   I can't take it anymore. I pass out.


   Hey guys! Did you like that!








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