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"I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING!" HERMIONE exclaimed breathlessly after she practically bolted into the Gryffindor common room with a book in hand.

"Oh no," Ron murmured, fearfully staring at what she was carrying. "If you're gonna make us read that—"

"—It's about Esmerelda and Ethan," Hermione interrupted with a whisper.

Both boys' widened their eyes and leaned forward in interest. Esmerelda's kidnapping had caused a huge uproar amongst the school. People were wondering if it had anything to do with the heir, and only the teachers, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Cedric knew the truth. Dumbledore had ordered them to keep quiet about Ethan and so they did.

The worst part was that the Hufflepuffs thought Harry had something to do with it. Ernie had freaked out and told everyone about how Harry wanted to speak with her and suddenly she was kidnapped that same night.

"What is it?" Harry whispered eagerly.

Hermione set the book on the table and sat beside them.

"Merlin, the Most Powerful Wizard of All Time," Harry read the title aloud.

"It's a biography of Merlin," Hermione explained. "I was reading it because I decided to do my research report on him—you know, the one due tomorrow for our history of magic class," the boys exchanged a panicked look that she didn't notice and went on, "And I came across this passage. Read it."

She pointed at a paragraph and they began reading it in their heads.

One peculiarity of Merlin was his invulnerability to magic. There have been countless reports that spells could never work on him, even before he began attending Hogwarts. Multiple wizards and witches have witnessed this oddity and were left awed as spells struck him but did nothing. Whether he is immune to either of the Unforgivables is unknown, but people claim it to be possible.

A downside to his immunity is his inability to be healed by spells. During his first year of Hogwarts he managed to fall off the moving staircase a handful of times and each time left him heavily injured in the Hospital Wing. Spells couldn't heal him and it was only after the third incident did Mediwitches discover that healing potions could.

"Do you see the connection?" Hermione hissed in excitement. "My spells wouldn't work on Essie during Dueling Club and Cedric's spell didn't work on Ethan! That's just like with Merlin!"

"You're right!" Harry exclaimed. "But what does this mean exactly?"

She frowned. "I don't have a definite answer yet," she said, rolling her eyes at Ron's over dramatic gasp. "But I do have a theory... It's pretty far-fetched though..."

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