Character Disciription

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Name: Aurore Sky (Suoh)

Age: 16

Birthday: March 17

Star Sign: Pisces, the fish

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5 (4'7 sitting)

Blood Type: A+

Ethnicity: European-America

Nationality: American

Class: 2-B

School: Ouran Academy

Occupation: 2nd year Student

Family: Yuzuru Suoh- Father, Tamaki- Brother

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Appearance: School- Bright yellow dress with t-sleeves, blanket around her legs

Everyday- Sweatpants and loose t-shirts, blanket around her legs

Likes: Water, stuffed animals, fruit, sweets

Dislikes: When people make fun of her

Fears: Never being able to walk

Hobbies: Swim, hang out with her brother and his friends, being outside, napping, messing with her brother

Personality: Aurore is kind to everyone she meets even if they are mean to her. She has a temper but it takes a lot to make her angry, except when it comes to her brother. Helping anyone in need even if they acknowledge her help or not. Aurore is very creative and likes to this outside of the box. Down side is that she has only so much energy, which leads her to be lazy and often take naps.

Skills: Cheering people up, painting, swimming

Background: When Aurore was 6 she confined to a wheel chair, which caused her extremely poor family to leave her in an Orphanage in the United States. Aurore legs cannot support the rest of her body because the bones are to frail. To exercise her legs she swims in order to keep them fit and that is the only thing she can do to move freely.

At 14 Aurore was adopted by Yuzuru Suoh when he was on vacation. They meant when a bully pushed Aurore into him. The chair bruised his leg and Aurore flew out of it. Yuzuru stood up and noticed the now unconscious girl with blood coming from her head and took her to the hospital. Once awake she told him that she was an Orphan and was bullied because she was handicapped. Yuzuru decided to adopt her then and there.

For the next 2 years Aurore was kept in a hospital for leg treatment, taught Japanese, and schooled. Before she started her second year in highschool Yuzuru brought her home and introduced her to her brother, Tamaki who is excited to have a sister.

Tamaki gave her a stuffed panda he tried make himself. Aurore loves it and takes it everywhere with her. She named it Ai.

Tamaki didn't care that she was in a wheel chair. They became close in a very short amount of time andshe started to call him "Big Brother" or just brother. Aurore started school and was, under strict orders, put in all the same classes as Tamaki. Aurora would wait outside in the gardens for Tamaki to be done with his club, so the could go home together. A few months after school started she decides to go visit her brother during his club hours.

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