Chapter 11

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For those of you who aren't interested in tennis, I will soon have you guys interested in my story, so just read the next couple of chapter, and you'll see just exactly. Also some parts of this story may seem predictable, but you just have to hang with me.



So far I have been doing really well in the tournament. Today I am going up against Sloane Stephans for the finals of the US Open. All of my family going to be out here tonight, even Chris. Trey is not going to be here and I don't know why, but that's the least of my concerns. I am really trying to calm down because, you really don't know the level of nervousness I am right now. I am trying to pray and everything.

" United States Women's professional Nadia Nelson!" They annouced, and that was my que to go outside to the courts with security.

We took pictures with these kids, we did the pick, and next thing you know we were starting, and I was in my zone.

The score was 6-3 6-6. So we had to go to tiebreaker. I was winning though. The only thing is, if I loose the tiebreaker then we have to do another set, which I was not in the mood to do. It was a New York heatwave outside, I was drenched in sweat, and my back was burining.

7-6 in the tiebreaker, I'm winning. Sloane hits a short ball all the way to the corner of the net, and my heart is racing I have run up hit that ball over the net and on the court without touching the net with my tennis racket. I run up and do it. I hit the ball short to the corner where she can't get it. I'm thinking yes Nadia yes your going to win! Then... out of nowhere she hits a high ball. Damn it! I have to get that and hit where she can't get it. SMASH! I hit an amazing overhead, where I know she can't get it for sure. Next thing you know the crowdis screaming... That can only mean I won!!!!!

I look over to the side where my family is. No Trey, Chris ya he's here, weird huh. I recall Trey saying he would be present for the entire game, but no sign of him. I felt really dissappointed. I must be something really important for him not to be here, I just hope he's okay.

I retrieved all my awards, and took pictures with the officials and fans, and I was out. I recieved so many congratulations and everything. I would go back to the hotel with my family, and then we were gonna turn up!!!

In the car I sat next to Chris. I looked at my phone. No calls or anything from Trey really, really weird. He is going to get it! He better have a good excuse as to why his friend was able to show up, but he couldn't even show up!

" Nadia are you okay?" Chris whispered.

"Ya... actually no where the hell is Trey? He promised me that he would be here, and he is no where to be found!!" I replied angrily.

"I actually don't know but I'll call him when I get to my room." He said.

"Ya u better" I said.

"Damn! That's the kind of love I get from my bestfriend?!" He said.

"Boy bye!" I said. And with that I left to go to my room. Originally I was supposed to share a room with Trey but he said he couldn't come. Amelia did not want to share cause I always have early warmups, and she does not like to be disturbed from her sleep like me. I swear sometimes I think God made us the same person but in different bodies.

I walk to find my room unlocked maybe that careless nigga finally here. I walk into the room, and put my stuff down, while calling Trey's name. I stand up, and next thing you know I feel a sharp pain in my chest, but I didnt hear a sound. Next this I know I fall down and see Michael and Tasha on top of me smirking. Then everything turns black, and I'm out.


Your probably wodering where am I, and why am not supporting Nadia. Okay so here's what happened, I went to the club, and I got really drunk with some of my guys. I got hype cause I had not seen them for a minute. It's been a while since I've turned up like this. I love Nadia and all, but she got me wrapped up. I'm still young, and I wanna enjoy it while I can.

Next thing you know, Lauren London my ex is sitting on my lap dancing, and it was a good one too. Then we end up going home together, and you know how it ends up from there. Since then, I've been riding with her.

I hangout and chill with her in private all the time. The paparazzi don't see us, so it's okay.

Ya, I feel kinda bad what I did to Nadia, but I'm still young. Nadia fun and all, but she too serious about tennis. If she were ever to drop tennis maybe then I would stick with her, and we could have some fun. But for now imma lay on the low with Lauren.

Right now I am currently chilling with Lauren until my phone rings...

Phone call...

Aye Breezy what's good man

Nigga don't be answering the phone like everything all good! Where u at bro?

I'm in LA man. Uk how I had tht club appearence.

Ya last time I checked that was last week.

Alright u want me to be honest with u?

Hell ya!

I'm with Lauren right now. She hit it good and everything!

U must be drunk right now. Please tell me I'm hearing wrong!

Lauren say high. "Hey Chris" she says.

Oh hell naw bro!! R u crazy Nadia gonna kill u matter of fact Lebron and Dwyane gonna kill yo ass worse if Nadia don't make it!

Ik but wait... did u just say make it!!! I said while I jumped up in alert

Ya she got shot cause ur ass wasn't there to protect her! You know wat nigga since ur in ur own little world I'm out. Since ur ma nigga all I have to say is get ur life together man. Cause Nadia is ma friend and I can't see her hurt like tht.

With tht he hung up.

Phone call over...

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness I can't believe that Nadia got shot. I really do care about her though, I also care about my ass to cause I know it's gonna be war when I get to New York. Shoud I stay in LA and wait, or should I go to New York???


Please hang with me cause it's about to get really good.

Sloane Stephans in mm

Wow Trey selfish...

Should he go to NY or stay in LA????


Go read my other story "The Unkown"

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