The 5th Magi

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It was a quiet and desolated night. Jasmines parents have abandoned her out on the streets left alone asleep, tussled in a wool blanket. When morning came all seemed bitter and cold.
" *yawns* Mama? Papa?" Jasmine says
She looks around only to look at the city of Alma Thoran bustling mid day.
Days turn into weeks out and about alone in this huge country.
"Mama...Papa...I'm hungry...I haven't eaten in days..." jasmine says as collapsing on the side of the road.
People walk around her not helping up the poor child. Until a tall young man approached the little girl and scooped her up. The only thing going through this little girls mind was, " Ah~ It's so warm...".
——————————Days go by———————————
"Solomon, what shall we do about the young girl...her Magoi is almost at the brink of nothing." said Ugo.
" I shall go see her and see what I can do...what we can do." Said Solomon.
Both of them went to the room where Jasmine layed with one foot out the door. She was weak...too weak that even food or medical treatment wouldn't do her any good.
" I've been having a vision lately Ugo...that I hope doesn't come true..." said Solomon.
"What is it Solomon?" Asked Ugo.
" it's the end of our world as we know it...falling into darkness and avoid it I wish to use this girl for the better of our future...hoping that one day she can bless the people of yesterday's tomorrow...I shall make her a Magi."
" WHAT? A Magi you say?...If it's your will Solomon and you think that this may be a possible dark future with us...I support shall also save this poor girl.", Said Ugo.
" I already sensed her Magoi when she first came here...this is her destiny...", said Solomon.
And so with Solomon's Wisdom he made Jasmine a Magi a master of creation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Some Time Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jasmine slowly opens her eyes as she laid in bed.
" Where am I?", Asked Jasmine.
" Your in the royal palace." Said Ugo with a big smile.
"Who are you kind sir?" Asked Jasmine.
" I am Ugo King Solomon's friend and confiant. May I ask your name?" Said Ugo.
"I'm Jasmine :).", she replied.

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