Chapter 33: Confrontation

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I went by the station to see Inspector Hughes but was told that he had left to go ask families make sure that their young daughters would adhere to the newly enforced curfew.

Just a little ways away, I heard some arguing between men. It was an argument between Inspector Hughes and the man who was with Elze earlier. It was clear that the blonde man had started the confrontation.

"You have been very disrespectful towards me!" Investigator Hughes said.

"The Police are obviously not doing their job, so I am just expressing to you the frustration of the people!" the blonde man said.

Elze was nowhere in sight. I felt a bit of relief but also felt a bit curious as to where she had gone in such a short time.

"Investigator Hughes!" I cut in as I went to grab for his arm right before he went for the man's neck. "You are just the person I wanted to see!"

"L-L-Lilian?" Investigator Hughes said as he immediately calmed down. "What are you doing here?"

I panted slightly because I was running to stop him.

"...I-Is it not obvious that I was looking for you?" I asked.

"You were looking for me?" Investigator Hughes asked with an elated and reddened expression.

Was it not obvious I was looking for him after I ran and grabbed his arm?

"Lilian?" the blonde man said as he took notice of me. "You know this man?"

I do not want him to start hitting Inspector Hughes, so I should say that he is a friend, but then Investigator Hughes might find it uncomfortable if I called him my friend out of nowhere.

"Yes...he is someone special to me," I answered confidently.

The blonde man seemed to back away with a scowl.

"...I will let you go for Lilian," he said as he left.

I heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing that he was finally gone and released Investigator Hughes' arm.

"I am so happy that you think of me so much, Lady Lilian," Investigator Hughes said as he grabbed my hands.

"...I only said that earlier to get him to lay off," I said.

"...Of course I understand that you only did that to help me," Investigator Hughes said as he released my hands. "Thank you very much for helping me out of that situation."

"Why was he so confrontational with you, Investigator Hughes?" I asked.

"I was going around and asking questions about the victims, and he suddenly called me names and wanted to fight with me," Investigator Hughes said.

"It is better to avoid a personal opinion of mine since I do not like violence much. It is better for you to be safe than sorry, Investigator Hughes," I said.

"I will keep that in mind...but why are you wearing a wig?" Investigator Hughes asked.

"With the recent rumors of a serial killer going around and attacking young blonde women, my parents wanted me to be safe when going out," I said.

"I understand that you would feel uneasy being indoors all of the time because the murders occurred indoors, but you should still not stay out for too long. You are still are still a very beautiful young woman, Lady Lemaire," Investigator Hughes said shyly.

I nodded.

"As a blonde, I cannot help but still worry. Are there any news on the Platinum Killer?" I asked with begging eyes.

"...I cannot reveal any information other than the information that has already been released," Investigator Hughes said with a slightly nervous voice.

"Do you think that I may be a prime target?" I asked.

"I do not want to scare you, but The Platinum Killer goes after young blonde unmarried woman," Investigator Hughes said.

"Unmarried as well as single women? Could the victims have all possibly been virgins?" I asked. Investigator Hughes flinched slightly at my question. The same killer from the novel targeted young blonde virgins specifically. I acted pitifully and began lightly crying. "If that is true, what will that mean for me?"

"I will never let anything happen to you, Lady Lilian," Investigator Hughes said as he held my shoulders.

"Investigator Hughes..."

"Make sure to avoid going out at night and strangers offering drinks," Investigator Hughes said.

"Could it be that sleeping medication is involved?" I asked.

"I am only showing you this so that you know what it looks like, but this glass bottle was found at the crime scenes," Investigator Hughes rummaged through his pockets and brought out a plastic bag containing a familiar looking glass vial inside. The same glass vial was used by Teacher who used the vial to contain virginity restoring potion on me. "We are not sure of the contents of the vial, but it is believed to have contained numbing or sleeping side effects...We also have strong reason to believe that the suspect is a man from semen left behind at the crime scene."

I trembled from seeing the bottle. It resurfaced the memories I had with Teacher. Even though he was gone, his ghost was still lingering in the back of my mind.

"...Thank you for telling me," I said.

Investigator Hughes suddenly brought me into a hug.

"I swear on my life that I will keep you safe from harm," Investigator Hughes said as he caressed my head.

We soon parted ways and I went with Miss Koran somewhere out in the forest.

"Lady Lilian, your acting was quite superb," Miss Koran complimented me.

"...No, I was truly trembling at the end," I said as I gripped my arms.

"Did you find out what you were looking for?" Miss Koran asked.

"Yes, he confirmed the details that I already knew of," I said as I controlled the trembling in my hands. "The Platinum Killer targets young blonde virgin women with the main cause of death being asphyxiation. Each girl had shown sign of use from how semen and blood were found. At the scene of the crime, a small glass vial was also found. It is believed that the vial contained sleeping medicine that was used to knock out the victims."

"...The articles never mentioned that much," Miss Koran said.

"To protect the honor of the deceased, they could not release the information of the girls so easily," I said.

"How do you this much without even asking Investigator Hughes?" Miss Koran asked.

"The next thing that I will tell you will be for our ears only...There is a book that describe the same exact scenario of what is happening to all of us right now," I said.

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