Chapter 37: Narcissus

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I asked that Miss Koran accompany me to an informant bureau that operated as a tea selling store on the outside. It was a place that anyone can pay for the price of information as long as you used a code to get in...

"I would like Narcissus Wyui Oolong tea," I said.

This place was primarily used by Sheze in the original novel. However, Sheze would not come here just yet since the fourth murder just occurred. If anything, he would be called to the Castle today and be told to look into this case.

"Excellent choice," the female shopkeeper said as she invited me in behind the shop.

I was soon allowed to sit down.

A gentleman with midnight blue long hair and deep gray eyes greeted me.

"How can I help you, Lady Lemaire?" the man asked.

Without having me revealed my own name, they already know of my face.

"I would like information on Baron Gysel Kruger," I said.

"A full background?" the informant asked.

"Yes...Please add Elze Kruger as well," I said.

"Should you not know more about your best friend than us?" the informant asked with a smile.

"...There are some things that you cannot even tell to the people you are closest to," I answered with a smile.

I was soon handed two files to read.

"Please read them here," the informant said.

"Payment?" I asked.

"The first service will be free...I believe that we can benefit from a long mutual relationship," the informant said.

"Can I at least get a name to call you by?" I asked.

"I would be happy to be called whatever you would like to call me by," the informant said.

"Laconian..." I said.

The Narcissus Wyui Oolong tea was named after a Lanconian hunter in Greek Mythology. He was distinguished for his beauty. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book III, Narcissus's mother was told by the blind seer Tiresias that he would have a long life, provided he never recognized himself.

"That is a lovely name," Laconian said with a smile.

I feel as though this informant is a bit to kind to me...I wonder what his motive is.

I soon began reading the documents over Baron Gysel Kruger. It said that he was quite the pedophile without discriminations on gender. His first wife was only eight years old who was fifteen years younger than him, and if that was not enough, he also kept around twelve other children in his estate as servants.

The children's parents sold their rights to Baron Gysel Kruger so there is nothing that the authorities could do unless the children confessed that they were being abused, but it seems like they are living quite well. Many of them were even allowed to marry upon reaching marriageable ages.

Even if he was rumored to be a pedophilic bastard, he gave those children a roof over their heads and full bellies. He also donated much of his wealth to nearby charities and was Elze's benefactor, so I doubt that the malicious rumors are true.

I soon went to read over Elze's profile. Nothing appeared much out of the ordinary. She was just a normal girl who lost her parents early on and was taken in by her uncle Baron Gysel Kruger right afterwards. They maintained a loving relationship where it seems that Baron Gysel Kruger tends to dote on Elze by buying her expensive gifts often.

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