Chapter 3: Chosen

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Chapter 3: Chosen

I stand there, unmoving, emotionless. Scared as hell that the slightest movement will be my undoing.

I held my breath thinking that maybe he could even hear my short pants for air. He scanned the crowd, looking everybody that dared look him in the eye right back.

He looked back to the terrified group of girls and move like a snake towards them. Graceful yet threatening. They quickly scattered backwards as he move in closer but was stopped by the town guards behind them.

Each girl was fighting for her freedom. All thoughts of being his Sodalis Vitae gone and replace with a haunting feeling of emptyness.

Looking from each one he glided his finger tips across each girls face as they trembled. A feather light touch that seemed unreal. As if he never touched them.

He stopped at the last girl and looked her straight in the eye, my breath caught in my throat as he looked upon my best fried, Sasha. She ducked her head away from him, avoiding his death glare.

He sighed and backed away. I could literally see at that moment her relief a she let out a breath of relief.

"There has to be more girls then these, I have been to the Cyprus village before yours and none were the right ones." boomed Hades. His voice was like silk, it seemed to wrap itself around you in a warm yet cold embrace.

At that moment the village seemed to become even more scared, if possible.

The eldest elder stepped forward and addressed Hades "Master, there is one more. But we cannot find her." he said as he crumbled under his intense gaze.

"FIND HER!" he yelled as all the guards behind the girls started to scatter and search...for me.

I looked back to Colin in a panic and he seemed In a state of utter disbelief. I had to shake him a few times and even slap him for him to come out of his trance like state. He looked back to me a swore.

"Shit Loral come on!" he whisper yelled as he tugged me along behind him. He quietly opened the door to the barn and peered out. Nobody was in sight so we started to saunter out when out of nowhere a guard comes and grabs my forearm and rips me form Colin's hold as another guards holds him away from getting to me.

I struggle against the guards vice grip as he drags me to the village square. I started to panic as everybody came into view, I kick out my foot and made contact with his shin. He hissed out in pain and let go of me to rub his wound.

I saw my opportunity as my brother yelled 'RUN' and sprinted into the forest. I picked up the hem of my dress and bolted for the trees.

Looking back I saw about every guard the village had running after me while yelling my name. I turned and ran faster as a bolt of adrenaline sprang through my veins.

Hoping over roots and dodging trees I managed not to tear my dress or get scratched up.

Just when I thought I was safe, seeing the glittering lake across from me I was roughly pulled back into a chest and held there as another man came around the front and tide my hands together.

I didn't bother screaming or struggling against there hold because I was too weak against two big guards. So they dragged me back to the village with me over one of there shoulders.

Coming into the village once again the guard plopped me down on the ground. I scrambled to my feet and kicked him in the shin again. He crumpled over in pain once again "What the hell Loral!" he whined as he rubbed his booboo..big baby!

"That's what you get you big oaf. Gosh you cant just man handle a lady like that!" I said a I cocked my hip out and turned my head to the side.

"You're not a lady Loral, more like a wild beast!" he mocked. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

Someone behind us decided to intervene in our fight and cleared their throat. It was the elder. "Loral, why did your run? You knew you were eligible for this and you still decided to hide." he said as he sighed. Me running away from them was a normal thing no matter what the situation was. I was a bit of a trouble maker here.

I just stayed silent, completely forgetting that the Devil was right next to him, until he stepped forward and was inches from my face. He raised his hand and moved a curl from my face, I froze.

He traced his finger tips across my cheek and let them rest under my chin as he pulled my head to look in his eyes. The feel of his touch sent electric shocks through my body and a foreign feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My heart was beating ten miles per minute as we stared eachother down. No one dared interrupt us in fear of being slashed down by the all mighty Hades.

I let out a small gasp as I looked deep into his eyes as everything seemed to disappear. His distant looked turned into one of lust and he smirk in a deathly gorgeous way that made his whole aura look darker.

He looked back into my eyes and said the two words that sent a shiver of fear straight to my core "Found You".

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