chp. 6 - Denial.

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Sierra POV

I went into August's room and cried my eyes out. Now this is gonna end for good. I knew he couldn't take on the responsibility. It didn't take a genius to know that mama august didn't like me or the fact that her baby boy is taking on the role as a stepfather. I heard the conversation all the way up stairs, they were speaking loud enough. I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. August tried to hug me in comfort but I pushed him away

"Yo, man. Don't start this shit now ITE? I told ma mama I was rockin wit ya. You ain't goin nowea .

"August cut the Bullshit I heard y'all conversation. "

"Baby, I- "

"Don't fucking baby me. No natter what your mother says she right. You kno you ain't ready. You said it yourself. "

He looked down in guilt. I shook my head and began pacing around the room. After a while of that, I started packing my stuff. My tears were hot rolling down my face. I didn't bother trying to wipe my face. I knew this would happen. Every time I introduce my daughter to a man, they disappear. I knew august didn't wanna do this at all.

"You packin ya shit now? Sierra what did I just tell ya ?"

I ignored him still packing my stuff. I picked up my phone and called niyah. I wanted her to come get me

"Hey niyah."

"Hey Sie. Everything okay? "

"Yeah I'm fine. Come get me? I'm coming back home"

Ignoring august presences, I continued packing myself . He took my phone and hung up.

"What the fuck are you doing! Give me my phone! "


"August I'm dead fucking serious. Give me my fucking phone bac-

He sat on the bed laughing. I couldn't figure out what the fuck was funny at a time like this. He pulled me to him and made me sit on his lap.

"I know ya heard different. But sierra believe me I aint goin no wea. You hea to stay no matter what ma mama say. I'm a grown ass man. She can't and won't make ma decisions fa me. I wanna be wit ya and that's what ima do. I know I aint Harmony's daddy but I can be only because I wanna be"

I couldn't help but look into his eyes and know that everything he was saying was true. I would be a fool to leave a man who didn't care what his mama said about me. August loves his mama more than anything in this world. So when he told me that, I knew it was true.

"I love you Sierra, you should kno dat rs. You ain't goin no wea. "

I hugged him and we kissed. I gazed into his eyes for the longest time before getting up. I knew I had a keeper from this point on. Him dealing with my bipolar ass is a huge turn on.


Staying with mama Sheila for 1 day was stressful. His mother and I had so much tension. I couldn't stand to be in that house anymore. We got back to my house and just slept all day. Harmony was still with her dad. Of course I called her every hour of every day. I'm a mother, I can't help it. August and I been going really good for the past 4 months. He came up behind me and started kissing my neck.

"Go get dressed baby, I'm takin you out"

"Where are you taking me? C'mom august ion like surprises "

"Ite I'm takin you ona shoppin spree. Get what Eva ya like. All on me"

He spoiled me. He took care of me. I didn't need his money or anything of his. I could handle my self. But don't get me wrong, being spoiled felt lovely.

Young & In Love(August Alsina love story.) completedWhere stories live. Discover now