chp 24 - Medicine

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Sierra POV

it's been almost a month since August threw his little temper tantrum at me. I knew it was the wrong timing but it was bound to come up anyway.  If I wasn't gonna say anything the media would.  But what he dont know won't hurt him j guess.  I was just tryna be there for him.  But I see where caring to much gets you. I love August with all my heart but if he wants to act dumb and in denial, thats his business. I had better things to worry about.  I had to go to my photoshoot I was somewhat already late.

The was by far the longest Photoshoot. I was ready yo go get harmony from my Nana's house and cuddle next to her.  Getting this makeup off my face wasn't my favorite part of all this shit. As I said my goodbyes to the photographer, I saw a familiar face. My ex Lucas. I haven't seen him in 3 years. Soon as I saw him I couldn't take my eyes off. He hadn't changed a bit. Same curly soft hair, honey complexion, same wide smile, whiten teeth. After staring so hard I began walking to my car. I felt a deep voice call my name.


He smiled at me. I could never get tired of his smile. It brighten up my whole day.

"What you doing here? "


He examined me one more time before saying anything else. Seeing Lucas brought back so many memories. Some that I wish I could go back to. Our relationship was perfect. We broke up because he went to college down in Florida. I couldn't handle long distance. Trust issues actually. We talked every day but he got a girlfriend 3 months after. After that the late night conversations stopped.

"Where you heading? "

"Pick up my baby then off to my house. "

" I haven't seen harmony in years. How she doing ?"

" she's good. "

"Barely remembers me huh?"

Harmony was around lucas a couple times. I'm sure she doesn't remember him. 

"Yeah barely. I gotta get going "

All of a sudden lots of paparazzi cane from around the corner.  Swear you never can go anywhere in peace. Lucas gave me his number & a hug. It last for about 9 seconds. I got in my car and drove off. 

August POV

"Ima bout to go and get more diapers I'll be back "

"Hurry she's on her last one."

I havent been talking to Sierra for a while now. I thought she wanted what was best for me but yet she hit be with a low blow. I know this whole thing been hard for her but its happiness for me and she tried to take that away. I been focused on Payton and the studio. Bein a father is a wonderful thing but balancin studio time and father time is hard.

I pulled up to the pharmacy and got diapers for Payton. I picked up s snicker for myself. All I ate was junk food. Kimberly thinks because she had a baby she too busy to cook. Bullshit. I went to the register. Two people was in front of me. I picked up 2 packs of skittles too. I could eat junk food all day. I look to the left of me and see a magazine. I always look through these just to see the Bullshit they be puttin in here tryna ruin peoples' lives and Shit. As I was flippin through pages. I saw a familiar face and body.

August Alsina's ex Sierra Santiago is single and ready to mingle. Could this be the end of Sierra and August for good !?

I gave the lady the money and grabbed my shit. I was heated. Obviously she knew this shit would piss me off. Without hesitation I drove to sierras house. I had to talk to her about this Shit. She was tryna make me look bad and I ain't havin it. I parked my car behind hers and barged in. I slammed this article on the kitchen table.

"Boy are you crazy?  Don't just come in my fucking house like that the hell is wrong with you! "

"What's wrong with me?  What's wrong with you ? I gotta go out in public and see this Bullshit? "

She put down her cup and picked up the magazine. She rolled her eyes and slammed it back down. Lies she's bout to tell me.

"Seriously august?  He's s fucking friend!  Not even that I ran into him at my photoshoot ! "

"You really think I'm stupid huh? "

"Yeah I do because if you think I'm seeing Lucas you gotta be pretty delusional-"

"Who the fuck is Lucas? "

"Why you wanna know? Did I question your little groupies? "

She was hittin a real nerve in my body. Even tho we ain't together she was still disrespectin me. I love this girl the thought of her movin on don't sit well with me.

"You know...I try to respect you and -"

"Respect? How is getting another woman pregnant respect august?  Your so fucking twisted get the hell outta here? "

"Where you want me to go Sierra huh? -

"To hell ! But until then, Kimberlys house would be best. "

She opened her door and waited for me to get out. I looked back one last time. Ion know if me and Sierra would get back on the right page. Only time can tell. 

Young & In Love(August Alsina love story.) completedWhere stories live. Discover now